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Publication:  Blue Rose Publishers

Page Count:  203

Review: Another Non-fiction book by this Author. Which I really enjoyed reading, because of its fast pace, non-repetitive and to the point writing style.

Devika’s The Mind Game is a fairly straightforward Self-Help book on mastering emotions to achieve success. It is divided into 6 main sections that deal with the following:

  1. Emotions and their Management
  2. Understanding Behavior of People
  3. Recommends Simple Living
  4. Staying Happy despite the Circumstances
  5. Anger Management
  6. Promotes a Good Work Environment

Do I recommend ‘The Mind Game’?

I’m absolutely not a fan of Self-Help books. In fact, I tend to gravitate towards Fiction rather than Non-fiction.  Ergo, I had my doubts about this book too… as I have for countless self-help books. Needless to say, against my better judgement I started with this book. In the beginning, my mind kept wandering every now and then while reading, but after like 30 pages in, I kind of started enjoying the book. To be frank, I did not discover any great epiphany or find any major information that would transform my life, but then again, I guess it’s nice to be reminded of the small ways in which you can get back on track in case you need a reassuring hand. Probably those looking for a simply written book that gives basic insights might find this one useful.

I loved the simplistic way of writing of the author. It was what kept me hooked to the book. Also, the points in the book were relayed in a simple manner. Overall, it is a good read. Readers who like to read Self-Help will surely love this book.


My Rating: 3.5/5 stars

The Mind Game By Devika Das

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About the Author

Devika Das
Devika Das

Devika Das is simply described as a Passionate Writer, Theatre Artist, and Poet.

You can follow her on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and on her website.

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Also, read: Finding your G-Spot in Life

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