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Book review of Fight Story by Vamsi Chaturvedula

I have always felt that action fiction as a genre is always under-explored. The reason for this is that there is already a pressure of having to portray fiction as a powerful front drop vis-a-vis as a regular background element in other works. Thus, I seldom see writers being able to deliver much by way of additional emotions and elements as far as action fiction is concerned. That is because they are busy putting imagery to the larger-than-life scenarios of fight sequences of such stories in the minds of the readers. In such a scenario, the book Fight Story by Vamsidhar Chaturvedula was a unique take in this regard, with substantial weightage being, also given to the plot as well as the character building and most importantly, explaining the why’s and hows rather than the who’s in the plot.

Does the walker choose the path, or the path, the walker?

Indeed, our paths are the result of our own choices and at the same time, we cannot deny the fact that destiny plays a very important role in shaping our lives and future. It is a synergy either way as whether the path we choose as the walker or if it is the path which decides to accommodate us and choose us as its traveller, the end results will be uncannily similar. Reason? Because it is meant to be that way. 

No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path.

Fight Story by Vamsidhar Chaturvedula is a contemporary action fiction marked by two of the strongest characters of Hindu folklore, Veera Bhadra and Karthik. 

Veera Bhadra is said to have been born out of Lord Shiva’s angst whereas Karthik, the son of Gauri Ganesh is touted to be the God of Wars. But here I am not talking about these two legends. I am not dabbling in our Hindu mythology either. I am talking about 2 ordinary people, but not so ordinary after all. Each has their own set of strengths, their own share of weaknesses and yet each is unique in his own regard. 

I know, I know you want to know more about them. But bhai yahi par sab Kuch bataa doon kya?  Now, having piqued your interest majorly, you must be dying to know what has kept me hooked on it in this fashion. Well, why don’t you order yourself a copy and thank me later?

With a plot sure to keep one hooked, this one was all about the ultimate face-off, the camaraderie and the ultimate rendezvous of the escapades and trysts between destiny and will, iconic in the form of Karthik and Veera Bhadra. How do the two cross paths, and what transpires when legends like them decide to have a showdown, yes, this one is a true clash of the titans!

There is Veera Bhadra on one side who is trying with all his might to fathom whether his strength is a gift for him or a curse, it is Karthik on the other side who is the answer to all his queries and also at the same time a question unto his own self, driven by his unexplainable passion for fighting and yet struggling to find answers to it.

To be honest, this is the first time I have come across and read such a book. A bit of a surprise to have gotten engaged in this one, I was pretty sceptical at first when approaching this one as this is the first time I have indulged in the action drama. Must say was pretty impressed yeah!

Coming back to the story, on one hand, Veera Bhadra’s character came across as intense and quiet to me and yet when need is, one of the most dangerous people to cross paths with. Karthik too came across as a great character, one who avoids keeping any feeling of resentment, albeit when it comes to the question of a fight, he simply doesn’t want to lose any. It was fascinating to see the two main protagonists, along with their positives and negatives. Yes, we all have some positive as well as some negative traits in us. It is time, chance and most importantly fate that shows us these traits in due course. But, it is also upon us to realize those weaknesses and turn them into strengths instead. And that is exactly what dawned upon these two characters and they tried to change their destiny. But whether they succeed or not remains to be seen.

Here, in this tale where I could not only relate to the characters but interestingly could make out these facets when the two of them cross paths and realize the significance of their roles in each other’s paths.

There is yet another character Akihito, who only makes an appearance in the second part and yet whose presence compliments the story. Also, the remarkable thing to note is how Vamsi used the Japanese culture in his narrative, giving a distinct flavour to the narrative in the second half.

 It was engaging to see how Karthik when meeting Akihito and the Sensei, finally thinks about exploring his own weaknesses and turning them into strengths and also realizes that fighting is not only about exploiting people but much more. Like I said earlier, Vamsi has given a different and yet an all-knowing sort of feel to this action fiction which in spite of having a mytho element, is perfectly in sync and tandem to the present times where all can relate to as well as connect to the characters. This a great piece of writing

As far as the descriptive is concerned, I must say that Vamsi has created excellent imagery here, one that is not only poised to run amok on the screen of your mind’s eye the minute you start reading it but was a pleasure and a very satisfying treat to read by itself, too. 

Related: Samsara by Saksham Garg – A Ya Fantasy Fiction or a Foray Into the No Man’s Land of Writing AKA Religion? A Book Review

A point of another accolade I want to give here to Vamsi is the sheer diligence with which he has created even tricky secondary characters like the “chupacabras” aka super human kinda characters whose portrayal was not only par excellence but also in tandem with the need of the narrative. The chupacabras fitted seamlessly in the second half, supplicating the plot with their presence. Overall, this was the best action drama I have read in 2022.

Fight Story

Neelam Sharma
Author: Vamsi Chaturvedula



A great action drama.
For all aged 15 and above


So, hope you guys liked my book review of Fight Story by Vamsi Chaturvedula.

Do let me know in the comments below which other books you would like me to read and review guys. Stay tuned right here at Booxoul for the best in the field of entertainment, lifestyle, food, fun, finance, fashion, education, tech and gadgets as well as all things bookish.

Adios Amigos!

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