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Presenting 10 Fun Facts about books you probably didn’t know, this World Book Day

A book is a world unto itself. Indeed, completely agree with this one. A Book is such a mine and powerhouse of information that it can give all other sources of knowledge a run for the money. Sometimes happy, sometimes sad, informative, enlightening, entertaining or simply silly, books hold the power to hide an era’s worth in between their delicate pages and also are impactful enough to move mountains, if need be.

There are so many interesting facts and tidbits of snippets related to books that you shall be amazed.

For instance, the world’s most expensive book ever purchased was bought by Bill Gates for $30.8 Million. The name of the book was “Codex Leicester” and it was a work of Leonardo da Vinci.

Hence, today on the occasion of World Book Day, we at Booxoul thought of getting such interesting facts together for you, which you probably didn’t know and would love to read.

  1. ”The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” by Mark Twain was the first-ever novel to be written on a typewriter.
  2. Former US President Theodore Roosevelt read an average of 1 book per day.
  3. More than 150 titles are published every day worldwide. That goes to an average of 9,00,000 books every year. Marvellous, isn’t it?
  4. The term Yahoo has actually been derived from “Gulliver’s Travels” which was published in 1726,
  5. On average, a person requires around 475 man-hours to write a novel-start to finish.
  6. A person is 2 and a half times less likely to be found with Alzheimer’s disease in later life if he/she decides to read regularly.
  7. In 2012, in Sydney, a record of 998 people made a record of balancing books on their heads, in one single event.
  8. Harry Potter Series is one of the most sold books in the world with over 450 million copies having been sold worldwide also happens to be one of the most banned books in the USA, owing to the content presenting witchcraft and wizardry which is not seen in good light there.
  9. The pulp extracted from the bark of 1 tree can make up to 50 books at a time.
  10. The World’s smallest book is Teeny Ted from Turnip Town, measuring 100 micrometres by 70 micrometres and is also in the Guinness Book of Records for this feat.

So, these were some fun facts we thought of getting together and presenting to our book lovers this World Book Day, a day for all voracious book lovers like you and me to get together and celebrate the evolution, the existence and the magical presence of books in our lives. 

Really, people, books comprise that window into another’s the world, that foray into lands not pursued hitherto that we as humans can only marvel and wonder at the simplicity and the goodness a book brings to our lives making it much better than before.

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Just before I leave for the day another interesting random trivia for you guys. Do you know that the name ‘bookworm’ actually refers to a wood-boring beetle that feeds off the binding of books is it the term given to book lovers like you and me? Also, remember whatever happens you shall never face “abibliophobia” AKA the fear of running out of reading material. As we have soo much to read people.

So continue reading and enjoy your pursuits into another’s vision, another story, a peep into another’s window…

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P.S This blog is a part of the BlogChatter Challenge A2z 2022 and keeps checking this space for more exciting content coming up soon. Only here at Booxoul, India’s best Book review and lifestyle blog. Always striving to get the best in the field of entertainment, lifestyle, food, tech and gadgets, leisure as well as all things bookish.

Toodle-eee-ooo people !!

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