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Happy World Earth Day

Our planet is an amazing place. It is that Mother which has been nourishing humankind for ages, helping us thrive and survive. 

Every year on the 22nd of April more than 1 billion people come together to celebrate this day, pledging to get together to protect Earth from challenges such as pollution, deforestation, global warming and so on. There is a host of activities planned like garbage picking, tree plantations, awareness drives, candle marches, climate awareness speeches and so on. But is it enough? Don’t think so.

Whilst the First Earth Day was celebrated in 1970 when US Senator Gaylord Nelson from Wisconsin organized a national awareness program to create and raise awareness about environmental issues. By the year 1990, this became a global event being celebrated by more than 140 countries across the globe.

As time has passed, more and more groups of people have become attached to this cause, fighting against oil spills, pollution by factories and power plants, toxic dumps, loss of wilderness and also the possible extinction of wildlife. These groups not only include climatic NGOs but also colleges, university students and also all those republics and democrats who have begun to see the thin, fading line between a sustainable planet and one unfit for human living.

So where do we go from here? Well, to begin with, this day marks a collation of people across the world towards an environmental movement, creating opportunities for civic engagement and volunteerism in more than 190 countries. The idea is simple in the engagement campaigns-to help to create awareness and also ensure a better planet from the point of view of renewable optimization and sustainability. The fight for a clean environment continues till today owing to the increasing urgency more so because of the climate change crisis that stands rampant increasing manifold every day.

Thanks to Digital and Social Media – they are bringing in these conversations, strikes, protests and mobilizing them to the target audiences, uniting them in a way never achieved before. This pursuit of catalyzing all to join together in this fight for upturning this climate crisis is what we at Booxoul, also propose by adopting these 7 things to save the earth this World Earth’s day  

1. Switch from Plastic

Indeed! Go to a more biodegradable mode of lifestyle and absolutely do away with it. Why? Simple coz plastic is something we humans seem to be addicted to. And yes, plastic does not break down people! It stays FOREVER. So, start switching to better, biodegradable options. Did you know almost 8 million tonnes of plastic end up in oceans and landfills every year? We need to BREAK THIS CYCLE. Once, this is achieved we can divert a ton of waste from oceans and landfills.

2. Plant Trees

Did you know even one young tree planted can absorb CO2 at a rate of 13 pounds per tree? This number increases as it grows to about 48 pounds of CO2 per year. Trees also remove different kinds of junk from the air including SO2, nitrogen oxides and small particles. So go ahead and plant one.

3. Reduce, Recycle, Reuse

Adopting the proper mix of approaches toward waste disposition shall make all the difference. Say, for instance, you were to switch to reusable cups, if you were to use reusable bags for your grocery needs it would not only break the chain of plastic but many other chains which threaten to disrupt the natural harmony and balance in the ecosystem. Also, adopt using recyclable products and get frugal about single-use objects.

4. Limit Water Usage

This, I guess is self-explanatory. If we do not follow this one we stand to threaten the natural habitat balance. So, be frugal and use water wisely. Also, adopt water harvesting and safeguarding practices if possible to plan well so that we safeguard this for our future generations.

5. Use Public Transport

Oh yes, this one will surely help. Instead of resorting to private transport, if we use carpools, public transport or walk, we can reduce the number of vehicles in vogue thereby reducing pollution. The best possible solution to reduce greenhouse gases, I’d say.

6. Composting

Imagine if you could divert and use combustible, recyclables for a second use? With composting this is the target. Helping reduce the amount of solid waste one produces, this waste is what will eventually land in your landfill acting as a source of natural fertilizer.

7. Spread The Message

Most important of all, awareness is the primary focus in reducing all challenges such as pollution, global warming and all other problems which threaten the break the equilibrium of Mother nature’s vitalities.

So hope you are with us in sharing this vision of safeguarding our caregiver, Mother Nature by doing these 7 things to save Earth this World Earth Day. Do let us know in the comments below how you liked this article. Come back for more exciting stuff only here at Booxoul, India’s best book review and lifestyle blog.

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Adios Amigos!!

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