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Your Destination Has Arrived
by Barry Cheema

When I started reading this book, I thought this is yet another book where a young author is trying to sell his book in the name of spirituality. But I am glad to accept that, I was wrong. This book touches all the topics relevant to our generation. From depression to terrorism, ragging to racism, spirituality to love, philosophy to everything. He touches base with everything & does it with simplicity, without making this book a heavy read for us readers.

Congratulations Barry, who has succeeded in writing a wonderful novel.

Your Destination Has Arrived by Barry CheemaBasically, this book is what “Kal Ho Na Ho” is, to Bollywood lovers. It has dramatic events (a grand Indian wedding, a terrorist attack), a strong life lesson (you need to finish the book to know it) and like the author says “an unbelievable story that you would love to believe” (& also, a dog).

The characters are beautiful & fit so well with the storyline that you wish you also have people like them in your life. A master likes Pinky Ji, a friend like Kumar & a lover like Sachi.

This book also describes the wrong preaching of yoga that is happening across the globe and how people are fooled in the name of faith & religion by so many Godmen. It shows us a path to avoid these so-called spiritual masters & gurus.

I really liked the way he has explained topics like catharsis and emotional intelligence while narrating the story of Bruno.

If you really want to enjoy a spiritual read but not able to take the heavy content available on the internet, you should read this book. It introduces you to spirituality/meditation in a language that you will easily understand & will definitely connect to.

Though the book looks quite lengthy (376 pages), but it’s so gripping that there is no turning back, I mean no way you are putting it down. The small chapters make it easy to read and help the reader to connect the dot better.

Language is easy and you need not refer to a dictionary every now & then.

I am giving this book 5 out of 5 for its amazing blend of characters, storyline, spirituality & everything good.

You can buy your copy of ‘Your Destination Has Arrived‘ on Amazon or Flipkart.

Happy reading fellas! 🙂

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