Notion Press

Review of Breaking Philosophy by Nishitha Bujal
Book Reviews

Breaking Philosophy by Nishitha Bujala

Breaking Philosophy Publication: Notion Press  Page Count: 323 Review: Poor little rich girl Sophie seems to have it all but in reality is one lonely child who yearns for a normal life.  This motherless girl who is the daughter of the mayor of the town finds solace in her books and her cat, Smelly. The sudden death of her father finds Sophie in a turmoil when kidnapped and confronted by a secret government organization; the CSES that claims that her dedicated father was a spy and a traitor. Filo Hardy, the daughter of an Indian father and Irish mother is left to fend for herself and her younger brother Sebastian who is her life.  Constantly singled out for being different, she finds an unlikely friend in the handsome Phil and a loving mentor in Indigo, who helps her get a job in his Yoga class at the Cen Tournament Training Academy. However, when Sebastian is detected with cancer, a visibly shattered Filo finds herself reluctantly accepting a fatal offer by the CSES. After all, it’s a question of life and death for Seb. The two young girls who are thrust together in an unknown environment find friendship, love, and support in each other. Faced with the humongous task to lead a team of 20 volunteers, Filo and Sophie discover their inner strength when forced to confront their common enemy. One so wily that this is definitely going to be a fight straight to the finish. Do I recommend it? Breaking Philosophy is an interesting book with a Game of Thrones meets Indian mystique feel. The young Author Nishitha manages to keep the whole taut roller coaster ride going right till the very end. The numerous characters and intriguing premises all add to the interesting mix with an additional romantic track for the two main protagonists- Sophie and Filo. Plenty of ups and downs in this book that keep you engage d till the very end. Rating:  5/5 stars .   .   .   .   . Don’t miss out: Music Men Also, do let us know in the comments if you want us to review a book or recommend some specific books. To get our bookish updates straight to your Instagram feed, give us a follow at @booxoul.

Review of Music Man Volume 1: Badoga by Pankaj Saini
Book Reviews

Music Men Volume 1: Badoga by Pankaj Saini

Music Men Volume 1: Badoga Publication: Notion Press Page Count: 298 Review: Fantasy Fiction As a child, though I enjoyed my comics and onscreen superheroes from He-Man, SpiderMan, SuperMan, Mandrake, Chacha Choudhari, Flash Gordon, Phantom et al; I soon outgrew them moving on to other stuff. Needless to say, when I opened up this one to discover it was a fantasy novel of a superhero named BADOGA, I wasn’t really keen on it. However, I’m so glad that I persisted in reading it. The first book in the Music Men Series introduces us to the Superhero BADOGA. Sartaj, an engineer from Haryana who shows streaks of violence during his teens, moves to Bangalore along with his best buddy, Vishal in a bid to stay out of trouble despite his doting rich dad’s protests. The boys strike up a friendship with Bangalore babe, Ranjana and soon the trio are inseparable. The story builds up further with other situations and characters being introduced until finally, Sartaj transforms into BADOGA, the reluctant vigilante. Question is can he really take on the burden of responsibility after realizing his childhood dream? As they say, be careful what you wish for. Do I recommend it? Pankaj Saini has managed to get to me with the build-up of his slightly flawed yet lovable protagonists Sartaj, Vishal, and Ranjana. I thoroughly enjoyed the back story of our superhero. The music and song lyrics add a nice touch. A promising novel that left me asking for more. I can’t wait to read about the next adventure. Taking inspiration from Clark Kent, Peter Parker, Bruce Wayne, etc. Pankaj Saini’s introduction of our very own desi geek Sartaj aka BADOGA does manage to impress. Behold another Superhero is born. This one has a million questions and doubts about his existence at that. Rating: 5/5 stars .   .   .   .   . So, that was our review of Pankaj Saini’s Music Men: Badoga. Love reading Fantasy Fiction? Then, don’t forget to read this: The Conspiracy Unknown What are your favorite fantasy fiction reads? Do let us know in the comments below!

Review of the book Walks Through Life: Stories by Santhosh K. Komaraju
Book Reviews

Walks Through Life: Stories by Santhosh K. Komaraju

I am the kind of person who is a habitual fictional novel reader. Normally many of us prefer lengthy novels that walk with us like a friend. For a change, I came across a book or better way to say compilation of a few short stories of Author Santhosh and it was a delight reading it. It reminded me of Sunday Newspaper short stories which give us some insight into people’s journey through tough times and their life stories. Pages: 136 Publishing House: Notion Press ‘Walks Through Life’ is a collection of 9 stories. I can’t classify them as short stories as each story is 20-30 pages long. Santhosh has ensured that every story has its own era and morals. There are many characters about whom I still think as if they are my long-lost friends. These stories take us to different phases of life as if every story is defining a new emotion. The stories were so poignant that I was swept off in the wave of the melange of emotions showcased throughout my reading. Few imperfect characters are helping the story to become perfect. I am mentioning all 9 titles as they are the first to witness the unique creation of Author Santosh Komaraju. The Hidden Kingship Divine Ax Blessing From a Curse A Letter From the Well Beyond the Bar Of Humanity Rise Of Motherhood Two Misjudgments King Of All A Gold Message For young readers, this book is a good start to their reading journey. As the debutant author Komaraju mentioned, somewhere these stories hint about Hindu mythology beliefs. Author Santosh believes that mythology stories not only describe historical events but also they teach us valuable lessons somewhere. Narration is like a descriptive and creative journey to ride on. Compelling, smooth and very intricately woven. But while reading, I sometimes felt that a few stories or a particular few segments were unnecessarily written or a bit stretched. Overall, this was a book, I enjoyed reading a lot. ‘Walks Through Life’ is a book, I’d like people to read it at least once. I would like to rate this imaginative creation, 4 out of 5 stars. I will be looking forward to the next book by Author Santosh Komaraju. .   .   .   .   . Love reading Short Stories? Also, read: Kaleidoscope of Love Or explore more of short story gems like ‘Walks through Life’, here. And hey, do let us know in the comments below if you have any recommendations. Happy Reading 🙂  

Book Reviews

Walking with my Soul by Jasbeer Singh

Publication: Amazon Page Count: 46 Review As you all know by now that poetry is one of my most favourite genres. I love reading poetry books because life feels incomplete without poems. A solace I seek every time I am down. So, whenever I get a chance to read or review Poetry books, I pounce on them with both the hands. The reaction I had, when I got a chance to review this book was beyond rejoicing. Walking with my Soul by Jasbeer Singh’s a very nice poetry book, barely 46 pages long. So considering the size, it just took me almost no time to finish it. Furthermore, I like books that are compact in size because they give it a very lucid sense. Now, we’re going to get on with the book. Cover has been very well designed. It looks attractive It looks attractive and pleasurable to the eyes. It’s one of the many reasons why I picked up this book. The title is apt and it sounds interesting. It is justified on the basis of the content provided within. I loved the musings that accompanied many of the poems throughout the novel. The musings gave a general impression of what poetry is to arrive next. It really felt good while glancing through them. The combination of poems & musings on every page was totally new to me. They complimented each other as I progressed further in the book. I loved this concept and had a pleasant experience while reading it. However, I felt editing was needed. A thorough editing would’ve done the job. Also, rhyming & figure of speech needed considerable work to be done. Without a figure of speech, poetry seemed bland. Though the effort put into this book was evident, however, I still felt it could’ve been much better. The concept was good. Overall, a good read – neither too shabby nor too great! Rating I have rated it 3/5 stars. .   .   .   .   . About the Author Jasbeer Singh Born in Chithi singh pora, Anantnag district of Jammu and Kashmir and bought up in Jammu. Currently working as a software professional. Although he grew up with a dream of becoming a doctor, destiny landed him in the IT field. Traveling to different places and knowing different cultures always amused him. Reading and Writing poetry makes him what we call alive. His debut book is ‘Walking with My Soul‘ a sum up of some poetry and story mix up. Inspired to write more books especially storybooks. A dream to touch many hearts along the globe. Follow Jasbeer Singh on Instagram @iamjasbeersingh .   .   .   .   . If you loved the review, then get your copy of it on Amazon by clicking here and if you want us to review or recommend a book, then do let us know in the comments below or on Instagram @booxoul.

Book Reviews

The Rage Within by Chandrayan Gupta

Publication: Notion Press Page Count: 222 Review One of the Radha Bose Series of Detective Novels by Chandrayan Gupta. Private detective Radha Bose and her associate Aditya Gokhale go about the mundane business of tracking people; usually, disgruntled couples trying to get evidence against their cheating partners in a bid to sue them for divorce. Just as Radha has been contemplating shutting down the Agency, octogenarian Mandira Kapoor steps into their office to get them to take on the 17-year-old cold case of her grand-daughter Sakshi. Allegedly Sakshi was kidnapped only for the burnt body to be delivered at their doorstep the next day, despite her ransom demand being fulfilled. On her last limbs, the old lady desperately wants Radha to help give her closure. As Radha and Aditya go about the case, they connect with retired Chief Inspector Vikram Rathore who soon joins forces with them to find the culprits behind the tragedy. In the bargain, they seem to stumble on way more than they had bargained for as the skeletons come tumbling out of the closet. Can the depressed, complicated detective Duo put aside their own demons and fears as they go about the business of helping out the old lady? Read and find out for yourself as Chandrayan weaves a web so sinister that it leaves you stunned by the end. Do I recommend it? This detective novel was quite a roller coaster ride with so many unexpected twists and turns that I was left reeling after the complex ride. Gupta has managed to lace in so many surprises and shocks that you really want to take up the next one in the series immediately. Rating This one deserves a 5/5. .   .   .   .   . About the Author Chandrayan Gupta A young law student and author. Possessed of an insatiable need to read and write, he published his well-received debut crime fiction novel Birth of a Duo at the age of 19. He is currently pursuing a law degree in Kolkatta and spends almost all of his free time working on his Radha Bose series of detective novels. Follow Chandrayan on Twitter @ChandrayanGupta. .   .   .   .   . If you loved the review, then get your copy of it on Amazon by clicking here and if you want us to review or recommend a book, then do let us know in the comments below or on Instagram @booxoul.

Book Reviews

What Won’t Get You Your Dream Job: Story of a Job Hunt – Roopesh Tiwari

If you are a fresher, freshly graduated from a college & seeking a job desperately, this is the book for you!!! Roopesh Tiwari in this book reveals all the secrets that you need to know to crack an interview in his new book. I wish What won’t get you your dream job was published before I faced my campus interviews. Apart from giving the insight on “How to crack an interview?”, this book also tells us a story that everyone will relate to. The author has managed the balance well between the story & the technical content. You will never feel lost in the storyline or get bored with the know how’s of an interview. Questions about the education & employment system of our country are well answered here. Rather than just cribbing around this well-known problem, he accepts & acknowledges it. He admits, how the sole motive behind acquiring any degree in our country is to find a decent job. He has highlighted many important aspects of hiring that we often miss while preparing for an interview. Nobody tells us about these small little things, that make an average candidate stand out from the crowd. For example, by just observing the type of interviewer you are facing, you can work wonders. In day to day life, everyone likes to be around easygoing people (people who are easy to handle). We know it very well & practice it every day. But we never realized that this criterion is relevant in the corporate world too. Roopesh has mentioned so many tips like this in the book. The one take away line from this book for me is “When in doubt, do what is bold, and you will never lose in the long run.” I really loved it. His tips are so good that I was forced to make notes like college days. He also mentions many researchers & surveys in the field of recruitment & human resource. This shows how well-read & researched he is. Overall the book is a good read, with very good font size & page quality. It’s not very long but it’s lengthy enough to cover the points Roopesh is trying to make here. I would give 5 out of 5 stars to this book & would definitely recommend it to all my juniors. .   .   .   .   . Help us in making our content even better by telling us the flaws in the comments below. Also, you can get our bookish updates straight on your Instagram feed. All you’ve to do is give us a follow: Follow @booxoul And if you’ve any special demand for books to be reviewed or recommended or anything, then just DM us or let us know in the comments and we’ll soon come up with something. Happy Reading 🙂 Also, read: School vs. College

Book Reviews

The Conspiracy Unknown by Abishek Babu

Two stories and two different timelines running on a path of love, betrayals and the conspiracies unknown. Sounds intriguing, right? Abishek Babu’s ‘The Conspiracy Unknown‘, is set in an imaginary world of two different timelines. Spread in various genres: historical, mystery and fantasy, is a book worth spending your time on. Initially, though, the story is a bit confusing, but as you move further, it will start making sense to you. It is remarkable how the author has so minutely detailed each part of the story and merge them into an epic of a story. And kudos to him for penning a story at such a huge level and yet making sure that the readers don’t feel lost. In fact, past the initial, I loved how the story took shape. Abishek’s narrative was a confluence smooth flowing river. Highly engaging and entertaining. Furthermore, I loved how he through his story tackled a sensitive issue of rape. Though it was a very minor part of the story, the impression it left on me was impactful. Amazing Abishek! Characters talk It can be difficult sometimes for readers to connect with the character of the book. Especially those books which deal with two timelines and many characters apart from main characters, who fleet in and fleet out of the story. However, the author Abishek Babu with his pen has done an amazing job of justifying each character in regards to the storyline of this book. What I did not like about the book? ‘The Conspiracy Unknown’ could have been a 5 on 5 reads, had it not been such a huge book. I felt that it was in some places stretched out a bit. Moreover, the language needed editing. I feel that the publishers should do their part honestly while editing so that the hard work authors do, pay off. Overall, the book is a perfect travel companion. And a perfect read for the thriller, time travel, and fantasy fans. For me, it’s a 3.5 out of 5 stars read. .   .   .   .   . Do let us know in the comments if you liked the review and if you’ve read this book, then what’s your review of it? Also, read: Traveller Inceptio Happy Reading 🙂