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Author Spotlight: Prabhu Subramanian, Writer of a new age Contemporary Fiction, Perfectly Imperfect

Not old enough to be an adult, really, but old enough to look like one and to know the distinction between carefree and careless.

Gregory Maguire

This quote by Gregory really does an excellent job of summing the mindset and mentality of the teens of our generation who are no longer like those demure, subtle and ‘giving in’ to the rule’s types, as the so-called norms streamline them. Today’s young generation possibly believes in ideologies that are both different as well as non-conventional from the previous philosophies.

Albeit, our Author in the spotlight today, Prabhu Subramanian, has poured his heart out to give us an absolute knockout story in his classic fiction titled “Perfectly Imperfect.”

Prabhu Subramanian, a management consultant, who serves as a Sr. Vice President with a top consulting corporation in Gurgaon, was first prodded to write by his colleagues who found his emails and power points more like a work of literature and storytelling than standard corporate documents.

At first, he felt he was being picked upon and perhaps he needs to get more direct with his emails but when complements started flowing from across departments and colleague circles and even some clients, he began to consider giving his writing a real shot.

What began as an attempt, has now become a ritual of sorts and not one evening passes without him penning a note, an article, a few pages of new story and if nothing else definitely a daily diary, for him it’s almost like, some sort of Yoga, for the mind and for the soul. 

Ask him about his personal favourite fiction and can’t romanticise The Notebook by Nicholas Spark, which I am sure anyone who has ever held a boom must be familiar with, if not a fan. For Prabhu though, this title was as troubling and disarming, too pure to handle, like a neat, undilute peg of a finely aged whiskey. Besides such intense romantic dramas, he also loved reading the light-hearted Two States by Chetan Bhagat.

For Prabhu, writing is therapeutic, as well as satiating, a drink he can never get enough of, and though he totally immerses himself in his characters, crying, smiling, quirking with them, he finds it surprisingly easy to zone in and out quite comfortably, with only minor withdrawal symptoms. 

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Talking about his book, he says Rohit Krishan is his alter-ego, the central character in his story Perfectly Imperfect. Rohit is a pure, nonchalant, flawed, yet, the epitome of undiluted confidence and grit. His connection to his father, his sister, friends, everything is straight from the heart. Rohit and Perfectly Imperfect, he says will always be the closest to his heart, no matter how many more books and movies he scripts.  

Prabhu generally likes to binge-watch movies in his free time apart from reading up his favourite books as well as informative journals. Cricket, especially, IPL is a hot favourite, although he strictly advises to watch it purely for entertainment and develop no emotional connection with the results or the teams.

Though he worships Dhoni himself getting candid, Prabhu confides, “Most of us are deeply romantic and if a piece of art around romance is genuinely heartfelt and authentic in its telling, it can pierce through your sensory wireworks. God knows which nerve it hits, but trust me, some pieces of romantic fiction can work like heroin (drug).

Besides writing a long-form novel, Perfectly Imperfect, Prabhu writes for YouTube shows, short films, Medium Columns and is now on the verge of finishing his next book that’s awaiting a title. Talk about the secret sauce for YA fiction, he opines “Young adult fictions tend to have more confusion and that is what makes them so much more interesting. He also adds that any story that is written with honesty and offers insights that resonate with the reader or throws up a new perspective will invariably strike a chord.

Talk about his next book which is going to come out at the start of 2022 and he gets candid and excited. “So, my next story is diametrically opposite to Perfectly Imperfect. While Rohit in Perfectly Imperfect is clueless in life, my protagonists in my next are determined businessmen, caught up in a legal tangle. It is a riveting drama that revolves around a woman lawyer, sharp businessmen, engineers and a dream invention all stitched together in a fierce, legal battle.

Wishing this super talented Author, the very best for his next endeavour too. We recommend you order your copy of Perfectly Imperfect today, go for the Kindle version priced at just INR 70, I loved it, I am sure it will light up your mood too. Hope you liked the Author Spotlight: Prabhu Subramanian, Writer of a new age Contemporary Fiction, Perfectly Imperfect

Hope you liked the Author Spotlight: Prabhu Subramanian, Writer of a new age Contemporary Fiction, Perfectly Imperfect

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