Versatile and Multitalented: Spotlighting the Author, Anuj Tikku

Versatile and Multitalented: Spotlighting the Author, Anuj Tikku

How about meeting a desi Willy Wonka, Charlie or Mrs. Bucket in your Indian avatar? Sounds awesome, right? Chandan Choor ki Churan factory is an amazing re-visit to the Roald Dahl classic and yet has a desi tadka and spin by Versatile and multitalented author Anuj Tikku

Spotlighting Vamsi Chaturvedula, Author of Fight Story

Spotlighting Vamsi Chaturvedula, Author of Fight Story

Want to know more about Fight Story, a book that is a superb fusion of action fiction, thrills, and a mystical, legendary saga? Read its Author Vamsi Chaturvedula’s spotlight here and find out some interesting facts about his vision behind this exemplary work of writing