The smart balance | A Book Review

The Smart Balance by Ankita Arora

The smart balance By Ankita Aurora I guess this is the book I was waiting for. A perfect read to start the year with. In todays so called wireless world we are badly entangled to social media & glued to our gadgets. People have started travelling just for the sake of uploading pictures & using the most trending hashtags. Girls use tons of make-up to reach #nomakeup look & kids using #wanderlust #travelislife don’t even appreciate the culture/ nature around. The Author however uses interesting # in her book, making us actually #think. She addresses the most important issue (i.e. work life balance or actual vs virtual life,) that we are facing today in detail & tell us methods to overcome it. The new age disorders & syndromes are well explained too. The content of her book shows how well researched her writing is and how well read the author is. She mentions recent researches & facts every now and then in the book, making it really informative. I also loved the suggestive read/ talks she gave at the end of the book She also uses diagrams & tables to explain her point well. The real-life examples & #todo activities are also useful & doable. This book looks a bulky read but was worth reading every page. The topics are well divided into chapters and creates a good flow. Language is really easy & font size soothing for your eyes. Overall, I will give this book 5/5 for the topic she chose to write and the efforts she put it into. This book is definitely going into my must-read list of 2020

What Won’t Get You Your Dream Job: Story of a Job Hunt – Roopesh Tiwari

If you are a fresher, freshly graduated from a college & seeking a job desperately, this is the book for you!!! Roopesh Tiwari in this book reveals all the secrets that you need to know to crack an interview in his new book. I wish What won’t get you your dream job was published before I faced my campus interviews. Apart from giving the insight on “How to crack an interview?”, this book also tells us a story that everyone will relate to. The author has managed the balance well between the story & the technical content. You will never feel lost in the storyline or get bored with the know how’s of an interview. Questions about the education & employment system of our country are well answered here. Rather than just cribbing around this well-known problem, he accepts & acknowledges it. He admits, how the sole motive behind acquiring any degree in our country is to find a decent job. He has highlighted many important aspects of hiring that we often miss while preparing for an interview. Nobody tells us about these small little things, that make an average candidate stand out from the crowd. For example, by just observing the type of interviewer you are facing, you can work wonders. In day to day life, everyone likes to be around easygoing people (people who are easy to handle). We know it very well & practice it every day. But we never realized that this criterion is relevant in the corporate world too. Roopesh has mentioned so many tips like this in the book. The one take away line from this book for me is “When in doubt, do what is bold, and you will never lose in the long run.” I really loved it. His tips are so good that I was forced to make notes like college days. He also mentions many researchers & surveys in the field of recruitment & human resource. This shows how well-read & researched he is. Overall the book is a good read, with very good font size & page quality. It’s not very long but it’s lengthy enough to cover the points Roopesh is trying to make here. I would give 5 out of 5 stars to this book & would definitely recommend it to all my juniors. .   .   .   .   . Help us in making our content even better by telling us the flaws in the comments below. Also, you can get our bookish updates straight on your Instagram feed. All you’ve to do is give us a follow: Follow @booxoul And if you’ve any special demand for books to be reviewed or recommended or anything, then just DM us or let us know in the comments and we’ll soon come up with something. Happy Reading 🙂 Also, read: School vs. College

Challenges of the Gods by C. Hofsetz – A nerve wrenching sci-fi

Challenges of the Gods by C. Hofsetz - A nerve wrenching sci-fi

Like me, do you wonder sometimes that the world we see around us is not real? Maybe it’s just our perception that makes this world what it is. Or maybe it’s our mind which is playing games with us? Or wait is it something else!! Like a superpower, sitting somewhere and making us do things which we are doing right now!! God!! Yes, maybe he is the one pulling the strings & makes us all dance to his tune. If you also had similar questions and Deja vu of an alternate life, this is the book for you. Opening Lines: The first thing that comes to mind is that the afterlife is overrated. Page Count: 374 pages Publisher: Wild Rose Press Publication Date: January 7th, 2019 In Challenges of the Gods, Author C Hofsetz may not answer all the questions we have, but definitely gives us a glimpse of the world/concept that we claim to have dreamt of many times. He also gives us a new perspective about the almighty God. What if God is not meant to do the right thing always!! What if he is a bad guy? What if he also makes mistakes and then tries to correct it like us humans?? Mike, the lead character, assigned randomly by the god to correct their mistake, is a perfectly funny and equally sarcastic guy all girls dream for. Whenever he makes an entry, he lit up the pages of the novel and cracks me up. When his love betrays him in the story, I am sure every girl reading this book will wish if only once she could be part of the story to meet him. But the entry of Jane will surely crash all their hopes. Mike & Jane’s compatibility is just perfect. Other characters also play their role well and never leaves you wondering why the hell they are in the story. Mike’s journey to complete his mission destroy the alternate world is described so well by the author that you are compelled to turn the pages one after another. The language and flow of the story are smooth too. However, Mike’s soliloquy sometimes becomes quite lengthy & hence boring. Though the plot of this sci-fi is really good, it could have been short. Who doesn’t like a short gripping read after all? So, with an overall rating of 4/5 stars, I will suggest you grab a copy of this nerve wrenching sci-fi and start your new year by taking a step close to the future. Happy new year guys!! C Hofsetz Born: Brazil Website: After working for several years as a professor in Brazil, C. Hofsetz moved to the United States and changed careers. Currently, he is a Software Engineer by day and a writer by night. Software engineering and computers have been his passion since he was a teenager, but he’s been reading novels for longer than writing code. One day, he couldn’t help it anymore. He wrote the first chapter of a book. How bad could it be? But things escalated quickly. The next thing he knew, he was writing yet another chapter, and then the next. He tried to hide it, but his family knew he was up to something. When they figured out what he was doing, it was too late—he accidentally had written a whole book. The result of this journey is the Challenges of The Gods, a story about a fantastic world of gods meddling with humans. .   .   .   .   . Love reading Sci-Fi? Recommend some books in the comments below and HAPPY READING 🙂