The Lost Gold by Kaushikk Yegnan | A Book Review

The Lost Gold by Kaushikk Yegnan - A Book Review

 Who can ever give you company throughout your life, I know no one can, but cant we walk a few steps together. – Ahmad Faraz This novel doesn’t last long reading wise but it makes you think. Think about people, situations, dreams and chase towards those dream. When I saw this 65 pages novel, I thought this is a piece of cake, to eat in one gobble but the taste of the author’s narration is still lingering around. I would have loved to read more of this story and that is the only complaint I have about this novel The Lost Gold by Kaushikk Yegnan If pain doesn’t provide visible proof.You suffer, and suffer alone, for lack of proof.  This novel is about sportsman’s 69 years journey across the Olympics of times in the search of the lost gold. As a child protagonist Andrei Kaufmanns attends the 1936 Olympics in Berlin and from there his love for long jump and dream of winning Olympic gold begins. In between because of World war II, he could not win Gold and chase towards Gold medal begins.Author has not written about big war story instead it’s about small stories which seems insignificant in world’s history which describes human pain and emotions affected because of war. If love could move mountains, a mother’s love could realign the universe. My favorite part of novel was a story about Andrie’s servant Bretta and her 4 year old son Boris.It wasn’t a happy story but it is still replaying in my mind.‘The most painful state of being is remembering the future,  particularly the one you’ll never have! – SOREN KIERKEGAARD ‘.In these 65 pages father – son relationship, Mother’s devotion for her only son, journey of sportsman towards his dream and many more feelings are covered which makes you wonder about life and many other things.For this gripping novel of worst times of human history world war II I would like to rate 4.5 out of 5.

She Stood By Me | Book Review

She Stood by Me by Tarun Vikash - Book review

She Stood by Me by Tarun Vikash Love is not a relationship Most of us have experienced first love, first heartbreak, that we occasionally remember, and this novel She Stood by Me by Tarun Vikash, is a reminder of those memories. Like the subtitle implies love is much more than a friendship. This romantic fiction is about a love story that begins in teenage years and grows with the age of protagonist. Aparna and Abhi who starts their relationship as friends with a one-sided crush, and then their friendship is transformed in time into a lovely story of love. Their friends Manish and Nidhi also have their own love story, and they are an integral part of the life of Aparna and Abhi. Abhi who comes from a lower — middle — class family, he has responsibilities waiting for him in the future, he is career-oriented, but he believes in romance and first love concept. On the other side, Aparna comes from an upper — middle — class family with an urge to prove the world about her existence. She is career-oriented but somehow she doesn’t believe in love, in a better way to say that she doesn’t have time for love. This Love story ought to be difficult as one person is madly in love and another person is aloof with love as a feeling and living in denial. Their love story has many obstacles like studying in different cities, job pressure, and then family drama. In small cities Love and then Love marriage is still considered as a taboo. Most of us have experienced first love, first heartbreak, that we occasionally remember, and this novel She Stood by Me by Tarun Vikash, is a reminder of those memories. Like the subtitle implies love is much more than a friendship. This romantic fiction is about a love story that begins in teenage years and grows with the age of the protagonist.⁣⁣Author Tarun has very aptly defined the feelings of love, responsibility towards the family that are so contrasting to each other. Though this book She Stood by Me is his debut novel, he did quite a remarkable job with the characters and the story.⁣⁣Every character in this book has been nicely thought of and then put on paper. The character I most connected to was Manish, as he reminded me of Bollywood movies that had one best friend who made fun of the Hero, pulled his leg, but then he also stood with him in every thick and thin of the situation.⁣⁣Unfortunately, my problem was that most of the novel was like reading Abhi’s private unrealistically goody – goody diary with individual dialects and dialogues, which became quite uncomfortable instead of smooth flowing reading, which I am used to. Somehow the story seemed little stretched with too much detailing of unwarranted information which could have been omitted.⁣⁣I would like to rate this YA romantic fiction novel 3.7 out 5. It is one time read that is quite entertaining in its own way. This book will remind you about your first crush, first love and your life before 25 hit you.⁣

Finding Our She-compass by Helen & Jo Owens

Review of Finding Our She compass by Helen Owens

15 Life Lessons for Women Voyaging Toward Restoration, Reconstruction, and Renewal I am a fictional novel reader who avoids motivational, self-help books all the time. In fact, this is my first self-help book reading experience and reason is my own hair. After my pregnancy, my hair texture got changed from wavy to frizzy curls. Though it seems a petty issue it still bothers me. Most of the time I am in the same bun hairstyle. So, while my visit to the trichology center, I saw someone who was literally half bald. I didn’t talk to her but I wondered if with only texture change, I am so conscious then how she must be feeling and that is how I started reading the famous book “Finding Our She-Compass: 15 Life Lessons For Women Voyaging toward Restoration, Reconstruction, and Renewal”. Love is the compass of life As per my understanding, this is a motivational story cum self-help book. It’s about Author Helen Owens who is a hair-restoration professional who helps people who had lost their hair in special circumstances. Helen is giving us insight into her own life and career experiences which includes a few of her client’s stories. These stories reflect all-important relationships of our life like family, love and friends and all issues with these relationships like heartbreak, over self-analysis and trust. ‘I am not afraid of storms for I am learning how to sail my ship’ – Louisa May Alcott While reading this book many times, I have recognized that there is some part of me in those troubled women’s life or another way around. Helen teaches us many lessons like embracing self-power, self-priority; ignoring own negativity; avoiding toxic relationships and many more. This book is worthy of all your time and energy as stories are not only relatable and inspiring but also interesting. As a reader, you don’t get bored or feel bloated with over motivation lessons. Subtly this book changes somethings within us. I can confidently recommend this book to all age groups from 16 to 60. Also, this book is not only for women; anyone can read as there is plenty of takeaways. I would like to rate this inspiring book 4 out of 5. .   .   .   .   . Love reading self-help? Then, don’t miss this: Finding your G-spot in Life Also, do let us know in the comments, what’s your favorite self-help book? Happy Reading 🙂

Walks Through Life: Stories by Santhosh K. Komaraju

Review of the book Walks Through Life: Stories by Santhosh K. Komaraju

I am the kind of person who is a habitual fictional novel reader. Normally many of us prefer lengthy novels that walk with us like a friend. For a change, I came across a book or better way to say compilation of a few short stories of Author Santhosh and it was a delight reading it. It reminded me of Sunday Newspaper short stories which give us some insight into people’s journey through tough times and their life stories. Pages: 136 Publishing House: Notion Press ‘Walks Through Life’ is a collection of 9 stories. I can’t classify them as short stories as each story is 20-30 pages long. Santhosh has ensured that every story has its own era and morals. There are many characters about whom I still think as if they are my long-lost friends. These stories take us to different phases of life as if every story is defining a new emotion. The stories were so poignant that I was swept off in the wave of the melange of emotions showcased throughout my reading. Few imperfect characters are helping the story to become perfect. I am mentioning all 9 titles as they are the first to witness the unique creation of Author Santosh Komaraju. The Hidden Kingship Divine Ax Blessing From a Curse A Letter From the Well Beyond the Bar Of Humanity Rise Of Motherhood Two Misjudgments King Of All A Gold Message For young readers, this book is a good start to their reading journey. As the debutant author Komaraju mentioned, somewhere these stories hint about Hindu mythology beliefs. Author Santosh believes that mythology stories not only describe historical events but also they teach us valuable lessons somewhere. Narration is like a descriptive and creative journey to ride on. Compelling, smooth and very intricately woven. But while reading, I sometimes felt that a few stories or a particular few segments were unnecessarily written or a bit stretched. Overall, this was a book, I enjoyed reading a lot. ‘Walks Through Life’ is a book, I’d like people to read it at least once. I would like to rate this imaginative creation, 4 out of 5 stars. I will be looking forward to the next book by Author Santosh Komaraju. .   .   .   .   . Love reading Short Stories? Also, read: Kaleidoscope of Love Or explore more of short story gems like ‘Walks through Life’, here. And hey, do let us know in the comments below if you have any recommendations. Happy Reading 🙂  

The Apple: History’s greatest mystery. Mankind’s greatest theft. – Devashish Sardana

The review of the book The Apple by Devashish Sardana

We all know the story from the bible about the Garden of Eden and the forbidden fruit apple. Author Devashish takes us further on the same thought, what if the Garden of Eden and apple still exist? ‘The Apple‘ is a perfect blend of ancient and modern life and their related mysteries. This is the story of Queen Azura and her sacrifice to fulfill her ancestors’ only mission, to safeguard Eden and tree of immortality from evil eyes of selfish outsider-humans. On another side, Dr. Costello wants an apple from the tree of immortality. A team is given the job to find and steal from Sentinels – first homo sapiens who walk the earth. One fateful night Queen Azura finds an intruder in Eden, a man with no memory and bullet wound in his head. But the larger concern is an apple is missing from Tree of immortality. Azura believes that intruder is the culprit but without his memories, she can’t find either apple or his true intentions. To find apple, Azura has to join hands with an outsider but can she trust him? Outsider also has the same question can he trust Queen Azura or for that matter himself. ‘The Apple‘ is a unique concept novel with answers to our what-if questions about the Garden of Eden. Despite being the first novel by Author Devashish, this book is an imaginative creation. “History’s greatest mystery. Mankind’s greatest theft”. This cover page beguiling tagline itself hints towards one more selfish reality of mankind. However, while reading a few times language seems to be less naturalistic. Also, few twists were a little predictable but due to the unique concept, I didn’t mind it much. My favorite character is Queen Azura who is a sharp, brave and responsible queen. Her dedication towards her people is admirable. On the other side, I detested the predictable character of Michelle. This novel can easily qualify for movie or TV series rights as there is a tremendous scope of thriller entertainment. Overall, I would rate this mystery and adventure novel 3.75 out of 5. Also, I will be looking forward to the next book as there was a definite hint towards the next part. .   .   .   .   . About the Author Devashish Sardana is the acclaimed author of 10×10 Thrills, a Facebook and Instagram blog where he writes 100 Word Thriller books for his fast-growing community of 75,000+ followers. Devashish is a small-town boy from India who grew up with big dreams and an even bigger imagination. After graduating from the Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad (IIM-A), he sharpened his storytelling skills as a brand builder in a Fortune 100 company for 8+ years. Devashish lives in Singapore with his wife and college sweetheart, Megha. He currently flits across the globe selling hope in a jar (beauty creams). .   .   .   .   . I hope you loved the review and hey, if you really did then please give us a comment below na. Tell us which book do you want us to review next or if you need some book recommendations? Happy Reading 🙂