Exploring love and its facets practically – Love Science, a book review of Love Science: Psychology Of Attraction By Surajit Roy
Love Science: Psychology of Attraction
If you’re looking for a practical guide to romance, “Love Science: Psychology of Attraction” is the book for you. With its practical insights into romance, this easy-to-read guide will help you find the right person for you. This book is based on scientific study and psychological expertise. The authors explain how different types of feelings influence the way we perceive and interact with people. They also provide a lot of examples of real-life situations in which people have experienced true love and joy.
When it comes to dating, “Love Science: Psychology of Attraction” focuses on the importance of having chemistry with the person you want. It explains how hormones can affect attraction, but it also explains how people decide whether they want to continue the relationship. It also helps readers understand how to create relationships that will last for the long term. This book will help you achieve both goals. It is a must-read for those who want to build fulfilling relationships with their partners.
Love is true when it gives you the freedom to be the perfect reflection of your real self, doing exactly all you’ve ever wanted to be.
Indeed, it is rightly said that true love is not something you go out and look for. Love finds a person and when it does, ready or not, it’ll be sure the best thing to happen to that person.
I recently finished this book and was mighty impressed by how he has given practical insights whilst giving all a foray into finding the perfect person for themselves. A practical guide to Love and romance, this book is merely not the assimilation of quotes or mushy narrations and 1-liners related to love. Rather, it is a scientific study, having a psychological basis, explaining how different types of feelings influence the way one perceives and interact with others and thus eventually finds that perfect person for themselves.
Attempting to study and provide a discourse on love as well as its multiple facets, Surajit has also shed light on aspects such as respect, freedom, trust etc associated with love.
Although the principal aim of this book is to explain what I understand as the ‘love cycle’, it also gives an insight into how love actually thrives, survives, perish or grows in one’s life and on what grounds. Surajit has approached and mused upon several classifications related to love such as exploring its chemistry, evolution and also an age-wise mulling wherein readers will not only see this as a completely different yet practical approach towards understanding love and romance but they will also be deeply influenced by the hands-on quotes and narrations Surajit has used to describe Love and its eventualities.
A guide of sorts for anyone who is out there, trying to search for their perfect soul mate, go no further because the author here has managed to create a guide that not only describes the fine and intricate technicalities of this relationship in detail, it does so in a practical manner, which I feel is a first,a unique attempt in this field. That is because whenever any book which comes across as a journal or handbook or love has been put forth for our reading and absorption it somehow always seems to be more on the mushy ground, choosing to single out and refrain from sharing any practical details of any sort pertaining to relationship theories. In such a scenario, Love Science is a smart, practical, psychological pursuit to ensure that not only does one understand the multiple elements that define the complete relationship of love, it does so in a manner which will come across in a much more resonating tone to the reader, coaxing him to absorb and adhere to Surajit’s theory whilst searching for that perfect soul mate.
I especially liked the fact that through this book, the author attempts to approach this intense business called love in a rather serious, matured manner not only toying with the beauties of this emotion but at the same time also enlightening all as to how can one handle and successfully manage the complex layers of love and the conjoined relationships in a manner so as to make one aware of how love develops, grows and what are its foundations. Do read this one if you are looking for a good, enlightening and intense book on Love and its adjoining relationships and want some seriously cool advice by a Love Guru who is serious, practical but spot-on as his theories make definite sense. Creating long term relationships by developing as well as maintaining the perfect chemistry with the person you want your soul partner to be is the ultimate takeaway one can get from this brilliant love journal.
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