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Myth: The Mental Blocks: Ambiguity Is Your Friend if You’re Looking to Innovate – A book that focuses on self-help along with improving behavioural aspects alongside achieving one’s true purpose and inner calling in life, here is Myth the Mental Blocks a title by Sangeeta Verma, poised to detail all illustratively.

The greatest tragedy in life is not death. The greatest tragedy in life is living without a purpose.

Indeed, the purpose is the most important thing in anyone’s life. In the absence of one, it is natural that one will lose all sense of path as well as disposition as it is crucial that each and every one of us has a purpose to follow in life.

A book I recently read and finished has managed to create a confluence towards guiding its readers to not only discovering their true inner self but also discovering their purpose in life, adapting suitably well to the reality surrounding them, remaining contented, gathering and procuring the perfect inner peace. It attempts to bust all those myths in our life which pertain to our origin, relationships, happiness and most importantly the realities related to the true nature of our lives.

The book begins with Sangeeta’s explanation of characteristically defining the process towards knowing and discovering oneself whilst understanding perspectives like one’s personality, knowing core values, physical attributes, dreams, desires, goals and all those aspects which pertain to self-knowledge.

Being a coach, Trainer and Career Stimulator, Sangeeta Verma has also spoken about and shed light on the importance of the neuroscientific tool PRISM Brain Mapping which she uses personally to counsel her clients. These techniques which help to improve one’s self-awareness by revealing their underlying behaviours and motivations and also helping to uncover the most appropriate behaviours intrigued me the most. PRISM Mapping applications which include team building, conflict resolution, leadership development, communication skills, and emotional intelligence profiling was discussed giving an insight into all those key aspects of psychology, and management which is needed to be addressed for career transformation to address meaning at work.

By providing a clear-cut, detailed career transformation blueprint, Sangeeta Verma has given a perfect manual to enable and facilitate proper career-building guidance in a manner where one can easily collate to her strategies and procedures and adhere to the same. I especially want to point out the quotes she has used in several places which show the confluence of spirituality she has splayed alongside giving this important self-help information. Quotes from the Gita which not only resonate individually but have been put forth to explain the tangent she has tried to present in the narrative at that point of time, for me gave the whole content a powerful paradigm altogether. Quoting powerful personalities, and their ideologies of inner peace Sangeeta has also talked about ways in which one can overcome isolation in one’s life which for me was a hugely informative bit of reading. Adapting to one’s reality, and adapting the correct vision can actually help to activate what she has called the law of attraction to correct and reach one’s vision in life. Transforming oneself whilst being in tandem with your environment and with those around you whilst maintaining a healthy mind and soul, living in the moment and adapting the perfect balance between physical and mental health can lead one to effect wonders.

I loved how she advocates reaching inner peace by transforming one’s inner critic into an inner coach. Pausing to listen closely to one’s inner voice, letting go of distractions and qualms and relaxing are the primary key techniques to start with for achieving inner peace. I completely resonated with her 3-S Pill theory aka Stillness, silence and spaciousness. Many a time I personally also feel the need to escape for a while with myself in my own pursuits to my inner peace. Sangeeta’s book Myth the Mental Blocks actually transported me to that perfect deja-vu where I could resonate with her theories, and her approach adopted towards achieving this inner peace. The way in which towards the end, she also highlighted the importance of regular exercising, properly balanced diets, healthy lifestyle and habits, breathing exercises and their numerous benefits was something I myself believe in big time. A special mention also to the fact that she has stressed the importance of chanting/listening to mantras. As she has pointed out the significance of Naad Yoga and its countless benefits via adopting the use of sound vibrations, I for one found the knowledge extremely crucial as I could see where all of it actually shall lead to making me a much better human I am.


A brilliant write-up-ideal for someone who is wanting to transform his/her life and wants a good handbook for the same. A small observation nevertheless, I feel a crisper edit would have worked more miracles alongside rectifying the grammatical areas of this one. Still, a great effort.

MYTH The Mental Blocks: Ambiguity Is Your Friend if You’re Looking to Innovate

Neelam Sharma


So, hope you guys enjoyed reading this review of Myth The Mental Blocks by Sangeeta Verma.

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