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Of Closets and Skeletons and Other Crime Stories by Kaivalya Ramnath

Of Closets and Skeletons and Other Crime Stories

Review by Neelam,

Author: Kaivalya Ramnath

Writing Style


Dive into the twisted minds of some of the most compelling characters that fiction has to offer in these quirky mysteries.


Zip Zap Zoom.
That is the way my mind goes
When I read something like this…

Have you been in a torn turmoil after you finished reading? Trying to decide what hit you,
knocking the wind out of your lungs completely.

Indeed, my recent read has been a tornado spiralling me to practically the edge of no man’s
land, pushing me into a kaleidoscope which is overwhelming and awe-inspiring all at once. Of
Closets and Skeletons and other crime stories by Kaivalya Ramnath which is an interesting
the confluence of short crime fiction goes on to explore more on the aspect of why the crime
being committed in the first place rather than who does it.

For me it was like diving headfirst into an endless chasm of a cold current, one which will leave
you speechless, gasping for breath. Every story in this compilation, for me, stands tall in its own
stature like a diamond atop a jewel. Be it the titular story, perfect crime, Rockabye or any other,
Kaivalya manages to create a ripple of such intimidating alacrity that one can only marvel at the
kind of detail she gives each and every piece. Not only are the characters polished raw to the
point of exuberance, but their finesse and their proclivity will also urge you to picture them in your mind‘s
eye. Not only are the stories quirky and unique, for me what especially stood out was the fact
that the novel nature of both the plot and the character leaves you with a lingering, haunting
after effect, one you actually enjoy but are sceptical of its vivacity too.

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Take the story “Demons” for instance. The manner in which the character of Aarti has been carved is praiseworthy. It takes the wind out of your lungs to realize how schizophrenia has been explored in such an intimidating fashion. I actually got goosebumps trying to fathom if she is ok or whether she really is what she is touted to be, a schizophreniac.

Likewise, the other one – Whose life is it anyway?. This one that revolves around Jinal is one helluva ride, I’d say. Catapulting to a pulsating climax and then boom goes the end as you are left shaking your mane like a scraggy dog drenched in ”God knows what the hell just happened” kind of a feeling.
Each and every story written is something absolutely unique, I’d say. It has been fashioned in a manner to not only satiate your crime read needs but is quirky enough for you to dwell upon the complex facets it tries to pretend, leaving you gasping for breath as well as yearning for more.

I especially want to commend the writer for being able to put across such varied and richly
contented pieces beautifully and in a manner that stays on the back of my mind even long
after I finished reading it.

A brilliant ensemble, one which though having a small size is a truckload of rich content. Pick up
this one if you want to read crime fiction which really gives you a 360-degree sucker punch.
I completely flummoxed, so will you? Grab this one to pucker up your crime fiction reads.

So that was my book review of Of Closets and Skeletons and Other Crime Stories by Kaivalya Ramnath which is a unique, soft romantic kinda read. Hope you enjoyed reading it.

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