Book Review: She Means Business by Priyanka Chopra

Book Review of She Means Business by Priyanka Chopra is a well conceptualised, meticulously compiled guide of how to be a successful entrepreneur.

Book Review of She Means Business by Priyanka Chopra
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She Means Business

Neelam Sharma, Booxoul



Do you wish to start your own business? But you are confused about all the hassles, funding, revenues and compliances. Well, it’s not that difficult. This book gives you a bird’s eye view of the key aspects of entrepreneurship and covers a brief summary of the lucrative state wise incentive schemes for the entrepreneurs. This is a directional guide to your entrepreneurial journey.


‘She Means Business’ is a well conceptualised, meticulously compiled guide of how to be a successful entrepreneur.

I especially want to point out the ease and simplicity of language used by the author to ensure the understanding of key concepts by even a lay person. Having said that, I must state that each and every step in the process of setting up an entrepreneurship right from the core grass root level ones such as deciding a NAME and BRAND for your venture have been patiently explained and elaborated wherever necessary.

Indeed, you might have come across multiple books on this topic, many of which might claim to contain mines of information regarding the same in vocabulary heavy on technicalities which are absolutely no use until you get to learning the bare basics.

Books on Business Strategies, Set-Ups, Start-Ups and growth are not an uncommon genre across the span of years. However, this title provides one with not only the basic information but also educates and enlightens one further as to how to go about methodically and strategically in a step by step break downin order to set up a successful venture.

The flow of the narrative, I found interesting even though it dealt with technical aspects at many points. It was a free flowing, interesting read. I want to put in a word of appreciation for Priyanka who has gone even behind date and painstakingly researched the complete backdrop and history of entrepreneurship and how it all began. It speaks volumes about the effort she has put to create this illustrous as well as effective manual containing all the pre-requisites one needs to know, adhere to and undertake in order to float a venture and make it a success. Another point I want to make here is the clean, concise manner in which she has put across all the necessary data at each and every stage of the journey alongwith key takeaways without delving excessively into each of them. Keeping in mind Indian women entrepreneurs, she has coined the narrative with the necessary data even corresponding it to the Indian Government schemes and rules etc., pertaining to entrepreneurship and start ups. The details provided in a statewise manner, make it an easy go-to guide for women entrepreneurs and those aspiring to become one. The bullet point directional format makes it an excellent choice for anybody who wants to learn the core basics as well as ground level technical insights, without harping on excessively or becoming repititive. A well reaearched, compiled, inspiring and enlightening read.

5 Books to read if you are a Start-up
  • Zero to One by Peter Thiel with Blake Masters
  • The Innovator’s Dilemma by Clayton M. Christensen
  • Founders At Work by Jessica Livingston
  • Crossing the Chasm by Geoffrey A. Moore
  • Screw it, Let’s do it by Richard Branson
Pick the book if
  • You love reading books on Startups
  • You love reading Nonfiction

Skip the book if

  • You don’t like reading books on Startups
  • You don’t like reading Nonfictions

A must read for a start-up

Age Group

20 years and above

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Book Review of She Means Business by Priyanka ChopraBook Review of She Means Business by Priyanka ChopraBook Review of She Means Business by Priyanka Chopra

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