Creating Harmony Through Words – Sharing Stories

Delve into one and surely all your worries, qualms, conflicts shall lay forgotten in a corner for a long, long time. Creating Harmony Through Words - Sharing Stories

Creating Harmony Through Words - Sharing Stories
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So Many Books, so little time….

Truly, Books are food for Soul. Like literally.!!!

Delve into one and surely all your worries, qualms, conflicts shall lay forgotten in a corner for a long, long time.

Indeed, in challenging times like these, where we have very little to turn to for hope and comfort, reading remains one of our few go-to  companions.

With the gradual, growing advent of e books, magazines and such published, paperless reading content over the years, the pandemic has surely given a supreme boost to them because they present the sheer advantage of availability at a click, paperless, weightless nature, a plethora of information and material and at the same time a much defined, finessed structures and styles of reading/writing.

Literary e-Magazines today, continue to garner popularity in a stead fast manner. One of the most popular ones among them, Sharing Stories is one such creative endeavour. Its pursuits comprise of not only the everyday literary magazine but much much more. It aims at creating harmony through words in today’s times when the reader community has an ever unquenchable thirst for more different, versatile, fresh, exciting and informative content. 

At Sharing Stories, the team constantly strives to do all of this and that too in a time bound, fast paced yet qualitative manner, delivering excellence in all it dishes out for its community. Other than book reviewing they have advanced further to many more platforms. A true pandora’s box, their content  includes valuable insights ranging from Literary agency contacts for aspiring writers  to promoting, reviewing and marketing self-published authors to all sorts of promotions, marketing and such other literary related pursuits. Be it candid Author Interviews(for eg. Deepti Naval), celebrity engagements (National Award winning filmmaker Anjali Menon) or their regular power packed dosages of interesting blogs and articles, at Sharing Stories the idea is to entertain and also educate readers by bringing them to date  with the recent community reading Incidences. A truly informative, fun filled as well as enlightening experience all rolled in one. There is always something for everybody to devour and read at their site. The idea is clear: Nobody goes empty handed aka anybody visiting it and reading up on its content would surely go back satiated in some form. Curtailing the unnecessary and presenting a crisp, illustrated content is the motto here.

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Their book marketing programs are aimed to help new, aspiring as well as established authors take flight towards their aesthetic goals as well as fulfil their creative endeavours and making their crafts commercially successful as well.

Sharing Stories has many interesting writing contests, out of the box writing prompts given at timely intervals, making them an ideal go-to place instead of other social web sites which seldom promise such quality return. Encouraging more and more organic reader engagement  and doing so by creating a harmony in the readers community by means of word power is the primary focus at Sharing Stories. Bringing together different groups of hybrid readers, writers, author, bloggers, publishers, marketeers and providing them a common ground to fulfil their creative desires and whims to the world is what Sharing Stories is all about. Their endeavour being limitless and absolute game changing, in today’s times, we feel that, they shall surely go a very very long way towards establishing themselves  even more in the minds of their audiences worldwide permanently. The creative exploits of Sharing Stories make it to be one of the top most in today’s era of cut throat competition albeit with a simple mantra: provide creative and fresh informative content. The audience takes care of the rest.

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