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Ever gotten on a journey to discovering your true identity? Join me in reading and discussing this memoir by Nandita Chakraborty – Dirty Little Secrets and indulge in a bare camaraderie.

What is life but a rigmarole of some if and buts, a cross-over of did and did not…

Indeed, many times we fail to fathom the real way our life transpires, getting lost in the complex tides, its waves deliver to us. Each time we simply pause and brood on what might or might not have been the best possible option in the case scenario we are facing.

An autobiographical memoir I recently read gave me a lot of food for my mind. Too many things to think about actually. It left me wondering about life and its facets, the choices we make, the decisions we take and also the repercussions of those. A journey of self-discovery, this one gives a foray into the Author Nandita Charkraborty’s lifestyle, and the changing aspects related to it, examining a multitude of emotions such as love, and heartache as well as more complex ones such as heartbreak and depression. Touted to be a fresh account of the challenges she faced as well as all the ways in which she overcame the same, this one nevertheless gave me quite a few questions, to put the masts of the ship of my mind into overdrive and a spin of sorts.

Spread over 16 chapters it has examined Nandita’s life minutely, perusing different themes and essences such as love, family, affection and most importantly wisdom and better sense. I could see Nandini’s attempts at humour too, thanks to the bits of respite she has given intermittently as well as through many instances.

Being candidly frank, I could see that behind giving us an honest and frank account of her life and experiences somewhere I kind of felt mortified, not being able to somehow justify all that was transpiring in the story. Alongside different other characters, the way in which she carries on in the pursuit of discovering her own identity, her flashbacks too provided an interesting insight towards understanding the situation as well as the circumstances she was a part of.

There is something genuinely honest and yet raw to the narrative that will leave you in a fix and yet wanting to know and read more. It will also happen that you may or may not possibly agree with all the aspects she offers as well as presents or even for the matter all the choices she has made in life. Well, it is a personal choice and discretion and what is imperative is the fact that she has chosen to come forth with all of this in a candid, frank and open manner which is something most people cannot do. It takes a lot of steel of character to come out frank and clean, revealing what you have been experiencing and going through, how you are feeling about a particular thing and so on.

Be it her adventures some great some bungled or others which caused major life shifts and changes each and everyone has been put across from a point of view that she feels and resonates through and tends to also portray to us via this narrative.

A book which I felt shows us how one chooses to bare it all as well as shows us that discovering and embracing yourself is the single most important aspect which is of pivotal importance in any person’s life.

RELATED: Me and Ma by Divya Dutta – A Daughter’s Tribute to a Mother’s Relentless, Selfless Love

A good read, one I will classify in the memoir and not the self-help category, however, since the perception may or may not be resonating enough for all. Good flow of words, and a simple, clear, concise narrative, pick this one up if you want to read and revel in true slices of life.

Dirty Little Secrets

Neelam Sharma
Author: Nandita Chakraborty



So, hope you guys liked the book review of a memoir called Dirty Little Secrets by Nandita Chakraborty.

Let me know in the comments below if you have any other autobiographic or memoir recommendations for me.

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