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Me and Ma by Divya Dutta –  is a celebration of a Mother’s selfless love. Hopscotching through life’s most intense emotions effortlessly, scattering hope all along.

You know what is beautifully uncanny? To be able to hear your exact words as if by some sort of magic, captured and scattered like little dew drops waiting to be touched and felt…

Well, exactly my thoughts as I sat listening to Me and Ma by Divya Dutta, on Audible today

Having attended her book launch for her latest Stars in My Sky just recently I happened to come in contact with this wonderful, multi-talented personality. It was a usual day, with me looking forward to another book launch event, another day loaded with fun and work.

And then came the she-the lady with the silken voice – Divya Dutta an actress par excellence as well as a personality many would kill to be in their lives. What with the kind of enigmatic skills both as an artist as well as a motivational speaker, little did I fathom that I too, soon would be bowled over, waiting to join the throng of many others who join the ranks of the smitten as well as the inspired ones.

It so happened that first of all, having attended the event I was pretty taken with both her style as well as her demeanour. I mean why not, come on she has won the award for the most stylish ethnic Diva 2022. But hold on a sec, there was so much more, in the form of this free-flowing sort of energy and vibe she happened to radiate like a warm glow flowing through chasms of cool streams yonder.

In case, you guys are wondering what is it that has gotten me into my poetic mode, then let me tell you the event though a lead magnet for me to become so smitten it was something else I heard in her voice when I happened to on an impulse download and listen to her audiobook Me and Maa on Audible that has made me write this way.

Having been blown away by her sense of capturing people and holding them simply through her eyes and words, I wished to explore and find out more about her works. As I sat to listen to Me and Maa after a tiring day at work, I was stumped. Absolutely unprepared, the foreword itself had me cascading into another zone, a douche bag of emotions, completely mushed away by the words she spoke. Agreed, it was written by Shabana Azmi, who is a stellar stalwart in her space and an enigma on her own, it was those little somethings which I could hear in between the words that caught me and held me for keeps.

As I heard more and more, I was, for probably a rare instance in my life, compelled to not acknowledge the storm of emotions that threatened to flow from the deep abyss of my heart. There was surely something in her words, even her voice that left me unnerved. Here, is a woman who has given so much power, imparted it in fact through her pen, her voice and in a manner so simple yet so heartwarming that you cannot help but agree that this is a piece of writing splaying emotions we all feel at some point of time in our lives. 

The manner in which she has described her scenario, the little snippets she uses to put forth memories of her childhood, were pure nostalgia, I’d say. Even the fact that one might argue that this spoke of pain at some point, not to forget the prowess which Divya has displayed whilst converting the pain in her pen to sheer power which comes across as a shining beacon of hope for all those who have or decide to go through this lovely encapsulation of her life experiences is supremely commendable. 

Do you know the thing that bowled me over the most? It was the easy, effortless yet delicately intense way in which Divya continues to narrate the deepest, most emotional yet stellar experiences of her life, which are nothing short of enigmatic building blocks, should one care to peruse them in such a manner.

Ok, wait you guys are not so fast huh? Agree there is emotion but there is also a lot of beauty and wit Divya puts forth through this one. Sass for me has a new name – Divya Dutta. Her tiny trysts in life, while growing up have all been laid in such a splendid manner that one can instantly picture their own self in their mind’s eye, doing those exact same things, being in a near identical situation as her. That for me is the beauty, the true strength of her writing. For an Author, zoning out and writing down her thoughts are achievable enough tasks(mind you pretty darn easy, as we are isolated loners you see..). But, to get that thing up and running in a manner where it gives a takeaway for life to all, in a format which is zest and zeal personified well that takes some deep penning down. Not your usual writer’s cup of coffee, eh?

A brilliant write-up, this is a brilliant book I want to recommend to all those who wish to peruse a slice of life, intensely yet delicately enough to see hope through the darkest curtains of time and always remember that Yes, life is a full circle, role reversal arena and yes our parents truly live on and breathe through us forever, even after their souls leave their bodies. The umbilical cord, that truly never ever severs-a slice of Divya’s life, Me and Ma is a brilliant encapsulation and a celebration of a parent’s selfless, unconditional love for her child.

Related: Book Review of Actually I Met Them by Gulzar – Man Behind Exuberant Poetries

Ok, on an ahem professional note, her new book is out as well. I can’t wait to see what Stars of her Sky

Me and Ma

Neelam Sharma
Author: Divya Dutta



‘Divya writes of difficult times with candour and heart-rending simplicity’ Shabana AzmiCapturing the beauty of a mother-daughter relationship, Divya Dutta in this moving memoir celebrates her mother’s struggles to turn her into the woman she is today. Divya walks us through the most intimate memories of her life, those that strengthened her relationship with her mother. The incredible bond she forged with her mother helped her through tragedies and difficulties, discouragements and failures and led her to become an award-winning actor of stature, both in the Hindi as well as the Punjabi film industry. Me and Ma is a celebration of Divya’s exemplary achievements. It is also an honest, intimate and heartfelt tribute to the force behind her success—her mother.


Will she scatter on all with this one? Here’s wishing her the very best for this one and a special shout out to her for helping us love and celebrate love a bit more with Me and Ma.

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