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Have you read a book and experienced heartbreak, love, lust, happiness, tears, and deep joy all at once? So, you’re like, smiling with tears of joy as well as that feeling of overflow? Sensitivity and love, along with warmth, all at once-Everything for You by Chloe Liese is a slow-burn LGBTQ romance where there is so much to read and yet, even more, to drink in, that one cannot help but be overwhelmed with multiple feelings, all at once. A romance portraying the classic enemy-to-lovers scenario in a totally exulting format.

Everything for You

Neelam Sharma
Author: Chloe Liese


So, tell me, you guys, which LGBTQ books have you recently read? Well, if you ask me, this genre at least always hits the right chord since the amount of sensitivity attached to it, the sensuality it exudes, the whiffs of fresh, new love, the warmth of innocence, and that impartial sense of love breaking through all barriers innocuously is too hard to miss, right?

I recently happened to read Everything for You, and boy was I blown away by the romance that kindled between Gavin and Oliver, these two superb characters who, in spite of being opposites, are so much alike essentially. Two men hiding themselves, their thoughts, and their feelings behind masks they have created for themselves—this is a story you will love diving into and plunging headfirst into the world of the Bergman family.

Yes, there are days we are quiet and full of anxiety, and yet there are those where we struggle and want to just shout it all out loud. So, all those of you who want to shout it out loud, well, this grumpy M/M sunshine trope is all you need right now, peeps! The story revolves around Oliver and Gavin, who play soccer on the same team, becoming co-captains and yeah, that’s all hell breaking loose, guys. On the one hand, as Gavin happens to be the biggest grump possible on this planet, there is Oliver on the other, who is pure sunshine, bright, and oh-so full of life. So imagine the fun when Gavin, who knows he likes him but is annoyed to accept it, does his best to avoid him. Is that possible, though? Read the book to find out.

 So, what did I feel was the absolute USP in this one? -Well, for one, have you ever felt caught up in your own body, feeling something but yet unable to express yourself fully? It happens quite often for me, as I am sure it does for many of you. Imagine the grumpiness you feel. Well, it’s time to say goodbye to that piece of dredging behaviour with this feel-good sunshine read.

And wait—there is more. This baby here has much more than romance and emotions. Did I mention the amount of swoony, sensational sensuality it oozes? Mind-boggling guys. You can simply wade in the tide of the scintillating love that comes through amidst the tension between the two. Wait, there is frustration here too, hiding all that sexual tension. Uff, so much more for one to experience and absorb, na?

“Oliver.” Gavin’s voice cuts through the chaos like a hot knife through butter.

      And now I’m melting.

      My name. He’s never said my name. Let alone like that—like the blackness swallowing me up is an immaterial veil his voice has rendered, a wisp of smoke cleared with one sweep of gravelly sound: Oliver.”

You know guys, I like literally had that semi-permanent kind of goosebumps when I read this particular stanza since the number of emotions that sifted through the course of adrenaline rushing through my veins was too electric to be ignored. I mean, the amount of sensuality, the amount of intensity, was so raw that I could taste it on the roof of my mouth like an umami bite, just there and yet waiting to be swallowed.

And then there was another- 

Just one word. It carries a world in it. She’s not my coach anymore. Because I don’t play for her. Because it’s over. I’m done. I knew it when I ran down that field, when I poured everything I had left in me into that last play and pain knocked me unconscious.”

I mean, do you guys see what I mean here? From one high point to another, this one simply sails through one feeling and plonks right into the middle of another intense emotion. These words right here just hit me in the gut of my stomach, paralysing my senses to the point of excruciating satisfaction. Yes, satisfaction—because of that love, compassion, and validation—isn’t that what we all ultimately want? I mean, I can barely do much except marvel at how the author has transitioned from sensitising emotions to braving them up to splay such hard-core realities, albeit so effortlessly. Yes, we all learn to live with grief eventually and feel lucky when we find someone we love while on this path, right?


A brilliant, high voltage yet soft and slow-burn LGBTQ romance that will surely sweep you off your feet so strangely that you will be left gasping for breath at every juncture, trying to make sense of what just hit you at every accord. Pick this one up now!

So, I hope you guys liked my book review of slow-burn LGBTQ romance-Everything for You by Chloe Liese.

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Adios Amigos!

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