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The Third Eye: Dismantling Global Hinduphobia

Neelam Sharma
Author: R Ramasubramaniyan


Understanding Hinduism and its evolution, growth, and emergence, as well as why it still has not been able to get the firm hold it so rightfully deserves, R. Ramasubramaniyan’s “The Third Eye” is a game changer both research-wise and factual presentation-wise, providing us with a clear perspective of the bottlenecks that are being faced, especially in “dismantling global Hinduphobia, as he has explicitly put it. A brilliantly written book, this one shatters the usual stereotypes by presenting substantial data and evidence and putting across the solutions for resolving those conflicts in a resonating manner.

“Dismantling Global Hinduphobia”. A tagline to a title I recently completed, The Third Eye by R Ramasubramaniyan, is a book that pertains to bringing out the patterns that have shaped the current scenario and India’s standing on the global map as regards religion, civilization, culture, trade, history, knowledge, way of life, and much more. Yes, in Mr. Ramasubramaniyan’s own words, when we look back, we realize that while we survived the two back-to-back religio-civilizational invasions, conversion, as well as colonization, emerging as the third largest religion-civilizational group in the world, there are still conflicts that need to be resolved for the Hindu community to emerge in the manner it needs to, line and tandem with what its essence truly is.

You must be wondering what has gotten into me today to discuss Hinduism, its evolution, growth, and significance in this manner. Well, I happened to read this latest work by Mr. Ramasubramaniyan, and I must say firstly that I marvelled at the kind of research he has done and put into this work of his. Right from tracing the roots of our community to going into meticulous details about the growth as well as the significance of how, why, and what caused it not to rise and make the substantial impact it was supposed to be having, this has been the very crux of our society’s existence.

Right from decoding and deciphering the attacks on it, he has done and delivered an in-depth analysis of how, after defeating Islamism and Christianity, there still continued conflicts as far as Hinduism was concerned.

Ramasubramaniyan has also listed down these conflicts, and before we proceed, I would like to share the 10 C’s of the conflicts, aka the third eye factors, with you guys as well:

Beginning with caste issues, he has highlighted how caste has been weaponized in different countries across the world, as well as in India, to tarnish Hinduism. He has further iterated how the sub-divisions in our previous caste systems pertaining to the Varna and Jaathi systems prevailed and also substantially highlighted that caste discrimination, which seems to be a mindset ingrained all over the world, acts as a major hindrance and setback for settling down well with our roots. I liked how he suggested that all cultural Hindu heads actually join hands to become a part of the solution rather than of the problem. He further suggested here that the Government should actually bring back the Jaathi system since we need to urgently deconstruct, decontextualize, and decolonize the caste format to prevent further conflicts. Doing away with our current caste systems, with which the world views us, will also help break the conversion lobby and thereby weaken those political parties riding solely on caste factors. He also suggested doing away with reservation systems.

In the same fashion, Ramasubramaniyan has detailed all the remaining 9 conflict points, discussing them with an open mindset, supporting them with reasonable factual evidence and theories, and thereby suggesting solutions in order to break the shell off and do away with the negative traits surrounding them. Providing solutions in an unbiased and fair light, he came across to me as someone who intends to say many things in a short period of time. And not to forget how he also stressed the importance of the “Street Veto” power, which the Hindu community lacks hugely, Ramasubraminyan states. According to him, all three main lobbies—the Muslims, the Church, and the Communists—always get onto the streets to ask for justice, a trait that he feels is missing big time now in the Hindu community.

With a startlingly clear narrative, there is no doubt that he has written this one with a lot of heart and soul. The ideas expressed, the theories discussed, and the points given in favour of and against gave the narrative a 360-degree vantage point, making it highly resonant as well as guided. Often, putting across the details in an unflinchingly honest, unbiased manner is the only proof that the writer’s intention is genuine and from the heart. He has not only highlighted facets of history but has also given us different vantage points on each, elucidating what the scenario has transpired to be in the case of each religion. He has not only listed the negatives but also what we could change and key takeaways to help us reach that ideal religious and caste system.

Ramasubramaniyan has covered a lot of aspects through this work of his, and what really impressed me was how he has ensured that he does ample and equal justice to all of them, thereby getting forth something that is path-breaking as well as setting a fine example.

The narrative has highlighted multiple aspects of Hinduism in detail; go for this one if you want to read a vision to build and proceed upon a new culture that is inclusive, relatable, and, most importantly, one that takes us as a nation to incorporate Hinduism in its true essence on the world map. Think of this one as a road map guiding you towards the same in detail. Brilliant writing, Keep it up, Ramasubramaniyan.

So, I hope you guys liked my review of The Third Eye: Dismantling Global Hinduphobia by R Ramasubramaniyan

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Adios Amigos!

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