Importance Of Cardio Exercises for a Successful Weight Loss Journey

Importance Of Cardio Exercises for a Successful Weight Loss Journey

Importance Of Cardio Exercises for a Successful Weight Loss Journey
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Importance Of Cardio Exercises for a Successful Weight Loss Journey

With the advent and prolonged standing, widespread prevalence of the COVID 19, the importance of staying fit, healthy and stepping up your immunity has become highly crucial in today’s uncertain times.

Maintaining the ideal weight is the primary step to amp up your stamina and overall health quotient.

It can happen by adopting the correct balance of a healthy lifestyle and cardio exercises for a successful journey. 

Yes, you heard right, folks! A cardio exercise refers to those exercises that push up your heart rate when performed, keeping it at a higher level for a while. The resultant impact is you breathing faster, getting more oxygen to your muscles, and expanding your blood vessels due to this cardio exercise

When losing weight is the main criterion, more physical activity increases the number of calories your body uses for a burn-off. The burning of calories with this burn-off, combined with reducing the number of calories you eat, creates a calorie deficit that results in weight loss.

Not only will you be able to step up your stamina game and keep your weight in check, but there are also numerous other benefits of cardio exercise; a few of them are listed below:

1. Improving lifestyle: 

Not only is exercising one of the best options to keep your overall health intact, but at the same time, it is a way of improving the quality of one’s life. Cardio exercise shall help you reach your weight loss targets, and In addition, cardio release endorphins, a type of hormone that helps reduce stress.

Research shows that people who do cardio exercise at least 3 to 4 times a week, totalling around 150 minutes of medium workouts or around half the time, i.e. 75 minutes of the same for a strenuous workout, are known to have a healthier heart as well as holistic health.

2. Keep heart diseases at bay: 

With the advent of a fast-paced life thanks to modernistic technologies, overall health seems to be taking a significant setback. As a result, heart diseases, especially weight, stress and lifestyle-related ones, seem to increase manifold. To keep them in check, it has become essential to adopt a proper exercising regime.

3. Weight management: 
Importance Of Cardio Exercises for a Successful Weight Loss Journey

Remember guys, losing weight is one task, yet maintaining it at those levels, another. However, according to research by the John Hopkins institute of medicine, most people who have lost a good amount of weight have regained the same weight after a period of 2 to 3 years. It could be because as these people decrease the number of calories they consume to lose weight, they experience a drop in the rate their bodies burn calories at. The result is that once a regular diet is resumed, it becomes difficult to lose weight owing to the drop in the calorie-burning rate, this is as per the research by John Hopkins Medicine

With the right amount of cardio exercising and a balanced diet, thus one can indeed achieve the desired health results and maintain them sustainably over a period of time.

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Cardio exercises consist of a host of activities: stair walking, jumping, cycling, boxing, dancing, skipping, Hula hooping, etc.

All these activities are also offered at gyms across the city. However, considering the current pandemic scenario, qualms regarding proper hygiene and sanitization standards in place, few of them match up to expectations with reality.

Cult.Fit gyms are one of those few hands picked gyms in this category. They are full-service gyms that offer a safe space for workouts and top quality gym equipment. The trainers here are specially certified and offer scheduled and group workouts like Boxing, HrX, S & C, Yoga, Dance and fitness that focus on overall health and body development, bringing forth the concept of holistic and balanced healthy life.

With the current pandemic scenario, they offer in-gym services, with top of the line equipment and exercise from home options. Moreover, thanks to the advent of online exercising options with the help of online technological platforms available like zoom, web, google meet etc.

Also, it is pivotal to note here that striking the right balance as far as the correct work-exercise-diet synergy is concerned, it is essential to maintain it not only in the short run but in the long run too. Of course, it is crucial to lose weight, but sustaining the same for a healthy holistic mind and body in continuous tandem is a prerequisite for leading a happy life.

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