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The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved; loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves.

Victor Hugo

So today I was actually mulling over the pre- blurb lines of a book that came in my focus;

Does true love actually hold meaning?

Are soul mates a concept that truly exists?  

The book which I am referring to, today is a tale of four people, two love stories passing the tests of time, betrayal, separation, inconvenience and destiny. 2 love stories intertwined in ways only God could have planned, this contemporary romance has been written by a budding new author, our spotlight for today Mr Swapan Karmakar.

Writing for Author Swapan Karmakar has always been a hidden talent, which took years to sprout. He started his writing journey by writing precise, meaningful, sometimes weird poems in Hindi language. Unfortunately, the Tsunami washed away all of these precious initial works of his. Gradually, he kept writing and also his technical articles kept being published in the IT Magazines. His colleagues continued to keep him motivated, badgering him to write now and then. They were the ones who sincerely and strongly felt that he has a natural flair for the same and should not only continue to keep writing but explore newer grounds for the same. 

Thanks to Savi Sharma’s work ‘Everyone has a story’, he got inspired and driven to the world of fictional romance. A story, he sincerely feels, has relatability, simplicity, yet practicality. 

Spotlighting Multi-Talented Author of Romantic Fiction with a Twist- Swapan Karmakar - Forever Mine

He feels mostly inspired by real time stories and the people involved in them. In his opinion, there is nothing like a perfect love story, or perfect soul mate. Love is a matrix of unpredictable situatiions, feelings, emotional draining, contradictions, illusions, pain, myths, sufferings, hope and then eventually healing. Acceptance of imperfections in others and still accepting them is what actually constitutes True Love, according to him.

To quote him, “No disaster is too big if you want to claim a life with someone you love unselfishly even after knowing this matrix of love.”

Thus, as per his surmise, soul mates do exist even if they are not 100% perfect for each other.

Talking about connectivity to his characters, he surely feels connected to the characters of his book as he feels that at some point he must have either met them or collided with people who have experienced similar scenarios, provoking him to write them.He is a silent Muser of sorts. Take for instance the analysis of his characters. Two of them being career oriented, the other two are in fact the ones who prioritize love over all other things.

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Teaching being a favorite for him, he loves to do the same in his free time. Apart from that he also enjoys playing chess, listening to Bollywood music, spending quality time with his family. Although he admits that gets a little difficult considering the nature of his work i.e  Airline and Travel Industry.

He sincerely feels that a romantic fiction Is simply not only a love story. Rather it is something much more than just that. 

For Swapan , Writing has come almost naturally , just like a second nature. It is been both overwhelming as well as satisfying for him. A good story for him is one where there are twists and turns which occur, closer to real life scenarios, leading to realistic sort of life experiences.

However, it is also noteworthy to mention here that Swapan refuses to be tied down in a genre specific place. Being an industrious writer, he would love to explore Thrillers/Murder Mysteries too based on sociological subjects in his future projects.

Swapan who hails from a middle class family, is currently a prominent businessman from the Airline and travel Industry as well as an academic coach.

We wish this fabulous new Author the very best for not only this title of his called ‘Forever Mine’ but also for his forthcoming works which shall be equally interesting and intimidating.

Hope you enjoyed read the article Spotlighting Multi-Talented Author of Romantic Fiction with a Twist- Swapan Karmakar

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