What Are The Agnipath Scheme And The Controversy Surrounding It? Unwinding It As It Occurred

Know about the latest controversy surrounding the Agnipath scheme introduced by the Indian Government? Exploring the pros and cons with Booxoul.

What Are The Agnipath Scheme And The Controversy Surrounding It? Unwinding It As It Occurred
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On the 14th of June 2022, the Union Cabinet approved a recruitment scheme for the youth of India offering them services in the armed forces. Called the Agnipath scheme, the youth selected under this will be called Agniveers. The scheme allows feasibility for patriotic youth to serve in the Armed forces for a duration of 4 years. Designed in a manner so as to facilitate a more youth-centric profile, it targets to provide an opportunity to youngsters who may be willing to take up this esteemed service to the nation, employing their skills, motivation as well as discipline for the welfare of the country. The Government of India stated that this short stint by way of military service will not only provide benefits to the country but the society as well as the individuals who are a part of this service.

What Are The Agnipath Scheme And The Controversy Surrounding It? Unwinding It As It Occurred

Who is an Agniveer? Terms and conditions explained

  • The youngsters joining the Armed forces under the Agnipath scheme will be referred to as Agniveer. 
  • Aimed at bringing about a transformation and a change towards a more youth-oriented Armed force, the average working-age profile under this scheme is expected to be coming down by around 4-5 years.
  • The selection falls under the exclusive jurisdiction of the Armed Forces, the initial plan stands at recruiting 46000 Agnvieers this year.
  • With the enrolment being based on an ‘All India All Class’ basis, the eligible age will range from 17.5 to 21 years of age.
  • The enrolment will take place through an online centralized system for all the 3 services by means of campus interviews from recognized technical institutes such as Industrial Training Institutes and the National Skills Qualifications Framework.
  • The educational qualification for Agniveers will be as is in vogue for enrolment in the various categories, as is deemed fit beforehand.
  • As far as the medical requirements are concerned, again the Agniveers will meet the requirements as laid down per se aka by the Armed forces in each category as applicable and put down via the pre-set conditions for enrolment.
  • After the completion of the 4 years of service, based on organizational requirements and policies of the Armed Forces as may be in vogue at that point of time, they will also be offered an opportunity to apply for permanent enrolment.
  • Post this stint, they will be inducted into the civil society where Agniveers will be in a position to contribute greatly towards the nation-building process. The skills gained by them will be recognized as a certificate which will be added to their resumes. 

During this period, the Agniveers will be imparted various military skills and experience, fitness training, leadership and discipline as well as courage.

The Pay Packages for the Agniveers under the Agneepath scheme:

They will be given attractive customized monthly packages along with Risk and Hardship allowances as applicable in the 3 services. After the completion of the 4-year period, they will be paid a one-time Seva Nidhi package which shall include accrued interest as well as a matching contribution from the Government equal to the accumulated amount of the contribution including interest. Following is the detailed chart for the same:

YEAR 70%Monthly Packages (in INR) MonthlyIn-Hand (in INR)
1st Year 3000021000
2nd Year3300023100
3rd Year3650025580
4th Year4000028000

Total contribution in Agniveer corpus Fund after 4 years INR 11.71 Lakh as Seva Nidhi package to be paid on exit after 4 years including interest accumulated on the amount paid.

In case of death during the tenure, a payout of Rs 1 crore has been proposed along with the payment of the contribution amount for the unserved tenure as well,

Also, the Seva Nidhi shall be exempt from Income tax. Albeit there shall be no gratuity or pension benefits. Although, these youngsters shall be provided with a non-contributory Life Insurance cover of INR 48 Lakhs for the tenure of their engagement period in the Armed forces.

So, Then what is the hitch?

  • Well, firstly the Armed forces have not increased the total quantum of recruitment. Of course, we cannot expect them to act as an employment guarantee centre. But as the Government has promised a radical change and the hype surrounding it is too high, it is natural that the expectations of the jobless, especially those from the rural backgrounds increase. Thus, quantitatively speaking, Agneepath scheme does not rise to these expectations.
  • The second point of concern here is what about 75% of recruits who will choose to exit after 4 years without any rank, further service and most importantly pension? Unemployment seems to be hanging loose and large upon the future on these.
  • In response to this the argument stands that these aspirants might still be young enough to continue their education and look for jobs But, one cannot deny that in rural India whenever a youngster gets selected to be a part of the Army, the entire village rejoices. There might be possible reverse psychology affecting out in the form of humiliation when these Agniveers come back after 4 years without any further service.
  • With contractual employment being in vogue now, this service kind of adds up to the ever-growing list where the 75 per cent discontinuing Agniveers will somehow have to keep hunting for their next pursuits. The entire general attitude will suffer and drop as regards the perception of this, thanks to the instability of this option.

Since, the time the decision has come, it has met with controversy, violence and protests across the country, citing serious flaws in this scheme, its working module as well as implementation. 

It is actually sad to note that there is a lack of trust and an early, premature kind of reaction emanating from the people across the nation. I am not taking sides or being a judge here but it is important to give the government some time, a head starts as far as the execution of such decisions goes. Remember, how in 2016, demonetization was looked down upon, and the Modi-led government has faced flak for it? Although, years after I’d say it was a wise step, taken to actually keep us more future-ready. Let us not forget that Modiji’s decisions even if they might not appeal to us at that point in time, have always proved to be the best in the long run. Let us give them some time to execute what they are planning, allow them to elucidate what they transpire to get executed and then pass a judgement. Till then, anyways violence never was and will never be a reasonable answer to protest against any qualm we may have against our acting Government and its authorities. Peace works wonders whereas violence only leads to destruction in the long run.

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Hope you guys resonate with my views on the Agneepath scheme dispersion. Let me know in the comments below what other ideas would you like me to share with you.

Stay tuned to Booxoul for the best in the field of entertainment, travel, fashion, food, tech and gadgets, lifestyle as well as all things bookish.

This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’ hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla.

Take care people!!

Tag: Agneepath Scheme, Agnipath Scheme, Agnipath Controversy, The Agnipath Scheme, Agnipath

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18 thoughts on “What Are The Agnipath Scheme And The Controversy Surrounding It? Unwinding It As It Occurred”

  1. I don’t think it will helpful to youth. What will they do after 4 years? It is look like no guarantee of anything. Payout is also very less. If government really want to do something for youth then they must provide employment.

  2. The scheme sounds very good and patriotic on paper. But the government should do research before passing any such schemes. If random people were given the choice and the data collected would have shown if it was a scheme that would be accepted or not.. Again I am not politically inclined towards any party. This is just my two pence about this particular scheme.

  3. Monidipa Dutta

    The schemes are good but I’m against it. Because after diya year no matter whatever options they r suggested now but their future will be uncertain.

  4. You have elaborated the scheme and it’s pros and cons very aptly. This kind of initiatives from government should be supported. The immature reaction of some of the people against it is sad.

  5. This scheme is similar to the short service commission for officers. Being a fauji child and a fauji wife, I trust the army must have done immense research before launching it. But what works for officers does not always work for javans. For them, army is permanent.

  6. It is rather premature to comment on the worth of a scheme such as this. It will have it’s teething problems, but whenever something new is taken up, these issues are faced. It will not be an all-out beneficial scheme for both the armed forces and the youth but the loopholes can be worked upon in due course of time. Those who are unwilling to take the offer, always have the choice to look for alternative sources of employment.

  7. Kaveri Chhetri

    I don’t want to judge Rekha, as I am no expert but I kind of like this idea of Agniveer. I had discussions with a few of my friends also who were against it.

  8. Kashish Mahtani

    Thanks for the detailed and in-depth analysis. It’s caused quite the uproar!

  9. To be honest, the scheme does sound quite interesting as long as it is on papers. Somehow the decisions this party brings often appear to be done in a hurry and then there will be never ending debates whether these decisions were fruitful or not. There is still quite an aftermath of :notebandi” and no one really knows the positives it brought in the country 🙂

  10. It is high time we stop politicizing every action of the army. As for the scheme, joining the defense services has always been about a stable job and a pension. As much as the “glory” that goes with it. Short service has been there for decades and very few get a permanent commission. Maybe this is an offshoot of it.

  11. This is a detailed review of the new agnipeeth scheme. For those of us who don’t follow the news it’s a good post to catch up!

  12. The scheme is very good but some people are always there to oppose it. Instead of saying it this way if govt would have said that this is a management course and everyome doing the course would get a stipend then all the people who are opposing now, would have gone in queue to get an admission in that course. And there are countries where this type of scheme is already going on and is compulsory. Here in India it’s not even compulsory…if they don’t want just can leave na…why creating tamasha everytime for each and everything.

  13. Sindhu Vinod Narayan

    I didn’t follow this at all but your post summed it up for me. Thanks but doesn’t look to be favorable

  14. Meetali Kutty

    Interesting – had no clue about the repercussions of this and what it entails

  15. I was planning to read why this protest ..and here is a blog on it …thank u for sharing

  16. I think its a really good scheme. You get to learn from the most disciplined personnel on this planet. You get paid for it. You get a decent 25% chance to retain your job. Mind you, chances of failing otherwise might just be higher. And finally you get a decent sum to start a business. I don’t see a problem here.

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