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Book review of The Molki Bride: An Indian Dark Romance by Mrs Claire

We thought slavery was a thing of the past. We haven’t been paying attention. As we prepare to enter the next level of the uber-modern and advanced 21st century we cannot deny that there are still countless customs, traditions and orthodox practices followed which are so toxic, so detrimental that the very thought of those is capable of sending shivers down our spine, filling us with a furious rage at the sad state of humanity and bringing us face to face with the horrible travesty of our own wrongdoings. The Molki Bride by Mrs Claire is a dark romance between a trafficked girl and a monster in the dark is one such attempt which shows us the grim reality of our so-called civilized society and how.

Can a person’s caste, monetary status or class be important enough to the point of even snatching away their independence, their self-esteem, and their emotional dignity?

Romance is one genre which always calms my frayed nerves. Having read a dark romance for the first time by an Indian Author I am in love with this writing and how. The romance which is all about now and here, characters embroiled in emotions, baked to the point of sensitive alluring intricacies is definitely one trope I feel that suits the frayed nerves of many in life. No, no I am not talking about heartbreak or such, romance by itself has always been a genre which appeals to the majority. Reason? Well, simple doesn’t take a genius to work this one out. It is just that we tend to start imagining ourselves in that character’s shoes, living and breathing through their skin, experiencing the emotions they are feeling, eventually ending up loving the character and ‘living it through as well.

Dark, glittering eyes that had opened in shock and closed in pleasure, in pain. The salty tears that had spilled from its corners, drenching me in its untold emotion.

Well, nevertheless the dark romance I am discussing today has definitely got to be one of the most compelling yet powerful pieces of romance I have read in quite a while. Essaying the hardships, the life, the trials and tribulations of a Molki aka a purchased bride and all that she endures, The Molki Bride by Mrs Claire is not a story rather it is a sort of a wake-up call, getting us face to face with the monsters that prowl our domains, waiting to pounce and prey upon the innocence of the vulnerable weaker souls. It is also a love story between two of the most unlikely of the characters, a pair which will surely leave you mulling over what will transpire next after you finish this one. No more spoilers here though.

The concept of Molki or a Paro has always been a subject matter of grave interest to me. I have always felt that integrity and a person’s freedom, physical, emotional and otherwise is a matter of utmost importance and that no person should ever have to compromise on that. I am also amazed at how Mrs Claire has fused such a complex issue with romance, which is a delicate territory unto itself. Mrs Claire has weaved the two together in a dark yet satisfying manner. And this is what I feel is the best about her writing. Confluence two of the unlikeliest ideas and yet the end product is one you shall be blown away by.

 A Paro or Molki bride, basically her whole life aka existence being boiled down to becoming a sort of a “tradeable” item itself is a thought process which scandalizes me. Why is it that a person’s status, class, monetary status and such trivial societal factors become the deciding factor for his/her course of life and discretion? Is being poor such a curse that you have to strip yourself of the bare minimum of human dignity? Does being rich and affluent give one the power to behave as they please, even if it means killing people with their rampant dark desires? 

Vijaya and Shivil have been virtually carved by Mrs Claire. Yes, Vijaya, her pain was virtually palpable through her suffering, seeping onto the paper through the tale, landing onto our mind’s eye and dousing us completely with raw agony. Vijaya from the start was in a sad state of suffering, having fallen prey to the bestial ways of the world. Being a Paro, a Molki was her destiny, the one she fought and how. Shivil’s character too had its own shades, embroiled in deep intensities, shaded with hues which were sometimes indiscernible, sometimes inscrutable. And yet, there was an exotic sort of sensuality when the two got together, no usual sparks flying but yet a raw appeal.

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That is how the world is, if you don’t conform to it, it will punish you. If you dare to defy it, it will make your life unbearable, wishing you were dead every second of your existence.

The Molki Bride: An Indian Dark Romance

Neelam Sharma
Author: Mrs Claire



A trafficked girl.
A monster in the dark.
A tortured soul.
A woman’s might.
Four women, one man!
A desperate struggle against the oldest sin in the history of mankind!”

“I changed that day. The old Vijaya died, and in its place, an ugly creature reared its head which cleaned away every trace of the bright-eyed young girl with a hope for a better future even when she was branded as a Molki. What my abduction couldn’t do to me, what those scars adorning every inch of my body couldn’t do to me, Shivil Kaushik’s retribution did it to me. I became his slave, but he became mine too. Even if he didn’t realize it until it was too late.”

Running and failing to escape the very traffickers her family sold her to, Vijaya is a captive to be bound into a farce of a marriage. She is destined to be one of the nameless oppressed “molki”, or “paro” women nothing more than slaves, desperate just to survive. Yet, her indomitable spirit doesn’t allow her to just accept her fate and she fights with everything she has in her.
Shivil Kaushik has been forced to set foot in his accursed homeland after more than a decade. All his demons come rushing back to him once he is back where the journey of his adulthood started. But this time, he isn’t going to back away, he is here to collect, to claim his birthright- both the good and bad.
But destiny has in store for him an almost insurmountable challenge. When his paths are crossed with the pale-faced woman, bent yet not broken, he is suddenly faced with the very thing he has been running away from his entire life.
Can Shivil and Vijaya be each other’s salvation?
Or the price is too steep to be paid?

This story deals primarily with Women Trafficking. A few scenes depicted may be disturbing for some readers.
The story ends on a cliffhanger.


Powerful lines by a powerful writer, this one is a brilliant dark romance, one you must bookmark for your next. Let me know your thoughts on this one. Stay tuned with us right here at Booxoul, for the best in the field of entertainment, lifestyle, food, fun, finance, fashion as well as all things bookish. 

Adios Amigos!

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