Yo Superhero fans!!!! I am here with recommendations that would surely satiate your hunger for Superheroes. Today I will talk about 5 Superhero novels that every Superhero fans should read.
1. Steelheart by Brandon Sanderson

Ten years ago, Calamity came. It was a burst in the sky that gave ordinary men and women extraordinary powers. The awed public started calling them Epics. But Epics are no friend of man. With incredible gifts came the desire to rule. And to rule man you must crush his will.
Nobody fights the Epics…nobody but the Reckoners. A shadowy group of ordinary humans, they spend their lives studying Epics, finding their weaknesses, and then assassinating them.
And David wants in. He wants Steelheart — the Epic who is said to be invincible. The Epic who killed David’s father. For years, like the Reckoners, David’s been studying, and planning — and he has something they need. Not an object, but an experience.
He’s seen Steelheart bleed. And he wants revenge.
2. Quantum Prophecy: The Awakening by Michael Carroll

When Danny and Colin begin to experience superhero powers, they come to learn from their parents that the entire generation of superhumans were not destroyed in the great battle ten years ago and now must come to terms with their ancestry as well as the reality that others may want to destroy them because of it.
3. Arihant: Revenge Par Excllence by Shubhan Balvally

This story is about an internationally renowned Indian Computer Scientist named Professor Satish Ramanna who has created an INVENTION for the betterment of his country and society. This INVENTION is secretly guarded by Professor Ramanna and no one knows the details of the same. The entire society and the government are highly excited about this secret INVENTION, as Professor Ramanna had enjoyed an excellent previous International scientific record in the past. The Media has also been following up closely on the progress of this INVENTION and every now and then there are articles written about it in the newspapers, though no one knows the details of this INVENTION.
But there is this group of Bad Guys with their main leader Mr Madan Kalra and his associates namely Mr Xavier Dias, Mr Ali Asghar, Mr Raj Shekhar and Mr Ranjit Shetty who are out to get this INVENTION for their own personal profit at any cost! They try to cajole Professor Ramanna to sell that INVENTION to them, but the Scientist refuses them outright since he is very patriotic and wants his country to benefit by this INVENTION!
So before Professor Ramanna can reveal this INVENTION at a scheduled Press Conference the next day, the Bad guy’s henchmen chase him to his Laboratory and wound him very badly during the chase. The henchmen upon reaching the Lab, encounter a small contingent of Sentinels who are guarding the Lab and Professor Ramanna. A deadly war ensues. Finally the henchmen slaughter the Sentinels. In the meanwhile, the fatally injured Professor Ramanna decides to destroy his INVENTION so that it should not fall in these wrong people’s hands. He boots up his computers and charges the reactors, which are inside his Laboratory and types some commands on his keypad of his main terminal. He also records his dying statement in front of a video camera. The computers send their command to the reactors, which in turn send electrical signals to the INVENTION CHAMBER! And Professor Ramanna finally activates the destruction. Professor Ramanna finally succumbs to his injuries inside his Laboratory! In the meanwhile, the henchmen try to search for Professor Ramanna’s INVENTION in his Laboratory but do not get their hands on it and while they are at it; the inner Sanctum Sanctorum of the Laboratory explodes killing the henchmen instantly.
This incident gets major news coverage since Professor Ramanna was already a cynosure of the entire country’s eyes! This Case is entrusted to the ace cop Assistant Commissioner of Police Anand Rane to investigate further. On his personal front, Anand is a widower and he has a beautiful 16-year old daughter by the name of Anjali. Over the years because of Anand’s busy schedule, he can’t give time to his only daughter and hence there is a growing distance between them. As a result, Anjali always feels lonely and sad and she always wishes that she could have a best friend and a soul mate who will always be there for her.
In the meanwhile from the confines of the partly destroyed Lab, a SENTINEL emerges indicating that someone has managed to survive the carnage and the blast! “THE SENTINEL” as if on a pre-set mission starts knocking off Madan Kalra’s gang one by one. As these elite mafioso are also well connected socialites, this case gets a lot of coverage and is also entrusted to ACP Anand. As Anand goes about investigating these Cases, he slowly realizes that the “Bad Guys Murder” case is linked to the “Scientist Ramanna” case.
Will ACP Anand Rane solve this mysterious Case? Who is this SENTINEL and why he is taking revenge on behalf of the Scientist? Was the INVENTION destroyed in the Lab explosion or does the SENTINEL possess the Scientist’s Secret INVENTION? Will Anjali find her true best friend? The answers to all this and more will find you engrossed in this terrific Page Turner called ARIHANT – REVENGE PAR EXCELLENCE.
ALSO READ: My book review of Arihant: Revenge Par Excellence by Shubhan Balvally
4. Wearing the Cape by Marion G. Harmon

WHO WANTS TO BE A SUPERHERO? Hope did, but she grew out of it. Which made her superhuman breakthrough in the Ashland Bombing, just before starting her freshman year at the University of Chicago, more than a little ironic.And now she has some decisions to make. Given the code-name “Astra” and invited to join the Sentinels, Chicago’s premier super-team, will she take up the cape and mask and become a career superhero? Or will she get a handle on her new powers (super-strength has some serious drawbacks) and then get on with her life-plan?In a world where superheroes join unions and have agents, and the strongest and most photogenic ones become literal supercelebrities, the temptation to become a “cape” is strong. But the price can be high—especially if you’re “outed” and lose the shield of your secret identity.Becoming a sidekick puts the decision off for awhile, but Hope’s life is further complicated when The Teatime Anarchist, the supervillain responsible for the Ashland Bombing, takes an interest in her. Apparently as Astra, Hope is supposed to save the world. Or at least a significant part of it.
5. Ex-Heroes: Superheroes vs Zombies by Peter Clines

The Mighty Dragon. Stealth. Gorgon. Regenerator. Cerberus. Zzzap.
They were superheroes fighting to make Los Angeles a better place.
Then the plague of living death spread. Billions died, civilisation fell, and the City of Angels was left a desolate zombie wasteland.
But the ex-humans aren’t the only threats the heroes face. Another group is amassing power… led by an enemy with the most terrifying ability of all.
Hope you like the recommendations of 5 Superhero novels everyone should read.
An internationally accredited book blogger, voracious reader and the founder of Booxoul, one of India’s leading book and lifestyle blogs, Neelam is a person with a penchant for bringing out the best in people. A website designer, a renowned book blogger and a leading creative influencer on Instagram, here is a lady who is candid, closer to life and sensitive to the softest of emotions…
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