Book Review of The Artists by Amit Anand

Dive into a closer to reality yet a surreal experience. Book Review of The Artists by Amit Anand

Book Review of The Artists by Amit Anand
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The Artists

Neelam Sharma, Booxoul



Sahana Roy is a ballet dancer. Aarav Verma is a pianist. Manvita Joshi is an actor.

On a train journey to Delhi, the three meet each other for the first time. They were asked to deliver a performance at the National Arts Festival. However, the theme of the performance was yet to be disclosed to them. As they start mingling, the night unfolds into their individual stories from the past.

Will Sahana find her closure? Will Aarav be free from his inhibitions? Will Manvita find her purpose?

The Artists delves into three tales of relentless passion and takes you on an enthralling ride into the world of dance, music and theatre.

About the Author: An engineer and an MBA from XIMB, Amit had an inclination towards the artistic world since childhood, rousing his interest in storytelling and music. Apart from the usual hustle-bustle of life, he loves writing poetries, playing music and watching sci-fi movies. With a fascination towards western classical, he is passionate about playing the piano and aspires to clear all the piano grades one day.

Amit works at HSBC and lives in Kolkata with his college sweetheart turned wife – Oindrilla. The Artists is his debut novel.


Be true to yourself. Listen to your inner call and live to the fullest. The flower focuses on the sunlight instead of the thorns that lie around it. Our life too is made beautiful by what we choose to focus upon.

Indeed, these lines aptly summarize the book I have recently finished reading, The Artists by Amit Anand. In the fast paced hullabaloo of our lives, whilst striving to achieve targets, fulfil dreams we somewhere, sometimes forget to listen to and acknowledge our inner voice. 

This title tends to not only explore such resonations but also give us an informative, rich as well as emotional insight into the lives of Artists – both performing as well as learning ones.


The 3 protagnists namely Sahana, Aarav and Manvita who meet on the train journey to Mumbai, realize they are headed to the same performance. Thus, whilst trying to understand and make better acquaintances of each other, they end up narrating their life stories. 


All 3 stories depict a multitude of emotional liberations whilst these three individually strive to master their art whilst balancing their life, responsibilities and their love for the art they learn and eventually perform.


Sahana’s story has a plethora of emotions attached to it. Her complete journey from how she chooses her dreams, to how some of her decisions tend to turn into horrible realities right upto the point where she feels the emotional liberation from her past, thanks to ballet has been beautifully depicted. I must also compliment on the way the the Author has portrayed an interesting array of information related to Ballet and its exquisite, intricate details.

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Aarav’s story, on the other hand, shows another art form, piano aka the keyboard and the conflict of another individual on a different platform of emotions. Be it his introverted nature, anxiety issues and other things, Aarav not only overcomes all of them, but emerges powerfully, like a phoenix from the ashes. 

Manvita, the third character, tends to achieve her dreams, experiencing and overcoming complex levels of sacrifice and settling to her inner calling in the end. She is an actor and enjoys performing in street nukkad aka Street drama. But owing to family responsibilities, she puts it on the back burner, eventually getting back to it.


The language used by the Author is simple yet lucid. The writing is crisp and keeps you engaged throughout without becoming boring or monotonous. Although, being from the contemporary fiction genre, this title comes as a breath of fresh air, incorporating slices of life whilst giving an account of complex human emotions.


It was enjoyable  to read about the snippets of valuable, interesting information the Author provides with regards to the Ballet, Piano as well as street plays and dramas. He has meticulously researched and given these nuggets of information whilst portraying the story.


To be honest, I always feel art is like a depiction of your personal interpretation of any emotion on life’s canvas. It is like a tool which provides you a manner to depict the minute, sensitive and micro aspects of one’s life in an aesthetic, intense way. Amit’s book definitely, has the power to not only resonate with all of us at an individual level, but shall also strike a chord of a coming of age, full circle, déjà vu kind of factor as far as life is concerned. It is a very well written story incorporating many platforms be it depicting aesthetics of delicate arts, the conflicts and bottlenecks of becoming an artist, the complete power as well as stigma surrounding the same and so on. A stellar as well as successful attempt which will surely strike a chord in the minds of the readers as well as stay with them for long, even after they have finished reading the book.


If you like reading contemporary fiction and want to dive into a closer to reality yet a surreal experience.

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