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Wondering why you must get the book reviewed, Aren’t We?

A book carries a world unto itself.

True to the last word, this line is. As Vince Flynn has very rightly put it, there’s a lot more to publishing a book than writing and slapping a cover on it. The main part of the process actually starts AFTER the book has been published. This is because once the vision and the pursuit of giving his best thoughts a form and shape are achieved, the next steps which follow the actual printing and publishing of a book are the trickiest I feel.

Why must an author get his book reviewed?

We here at Booxoul, one of India’s best book review and Lifestyle blogs thought of actually putting together and giving you the Top 5 reasons why an Author must get his book reviewed.

Thanks to the advent of self-publishing today, new, upcoming Authors have been getting that golden chance to showcase their work to the masses. However, unless the right skills and strategies are adopted as far as marketing and promotions of both the Author as well as the book go, it is not possible to reach out to the masses. This is where book reviews come in. So, we here at Booxoul, one of India’s best book review and Lifestyle blogs thought of actually putting together and giving you the Top 5 reasons why an Author must get his book reviewed.

Helps gain visibility

Let’s be honest. Being a new writer, people may not recognize you and if that is the case they may or may not want to buy your book as they do not know you. Being read and reviewed by a top book reviewer gives you validation which goes a very long way for the Author to gain visibility, we feel.

Helps gain traction

Traction refers to the support or momentum needed to advance something to make it successful. Getting one’s book reviewed surely helps an Author gain complete support as today most book reviewers do much more than simply read and review the book. For instance, we here at Booxoul ensure that the titles we read and review are also marketed to the correct, generic group of that particular genre. We do a complete, comprehensive reading of the title, ensuring we provide the most unbiased, critically correct as well as honest and constructive feedback to our authors so that they can take away much more from us than a simple review.

Amping up your SEO and Amazon algorithm game

Ok, this is an honest, technical revelation. 

One can only buy a particular Author’s book if they can FIND it in the first place. Simply put, being “discovered” is a very important prerequisite to your impending sales and success. The better reviews and the more reviews your book has, the higher it ranks on Amazon as well as on Google cashing in on their algorithmic, strategic movements.

Building the author’s name and branding his entity for the reader community

Let us face it, till and until people know you, your work, they cannot be driven towards doing that purchase of that book of yours. A well-validated book review not only ups your viewership and validation game, but it also ensures that you as well as the book you have written are “branded”, highlighted in other words, for all to see and take note of.

To let everyone know of the work you have accomplished

Book reviewers are those creative influencers, who usually happen to be in a powerful position to not only promote your book but do so in a strategic time lined manner, identifying your target audience beforehand and compiling and dispersing the facts and data related to your book in a manner where it resonates the most with your target audience. Getting your book reviewed is the perfect post-publication strategic step as you need to let your potential, as well as target audiences, know about the kind of work you have created and also create the right amount of buzz and excitement for your book along with anticipation.

So, these were the top 5 reasons why an author needs to get his book reviewed.

Hope you liked and related to this article. Do let us know in the comments below what other topics you would like us to cover and explore for you. Do keep tuned in to your daily dose of entertainment as well as the best in the world of travel, leisure, food, tech and gadgets, as well as all things bookish. Only here at Booxoul, India’s top book review and lifestyle blog in 2022.

Why Must An Author Get His Book Reviewed? 5 Reasons Why Book Reviews Are a Crucial, Indispensable Part Of The Post Publication

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Tags: Get Book Reviewed, Post Publication Book Reviews, Author Book Reviews

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