
An internationally accredited book blogger, voracious reader and the founder of Booxoul, one of India’s leading book and lifestyle blogs, Neelam is a person with a penchant for bringing out the best in people. A website designer, a renowned book blogger and a leading creative influencer on Instagram, here is a lady who is candid, closer to life and sensitive to the softest of emotions…

A Book Blogger, Reviewer, a true friend, honest critique, a relentless benefactor and more…

Book Reviews

N for Nourish by Pooja Makhija

N for Nourish The moment I picked this book up, I was certain that life would not be the same after reading this book and oh boy! Was I wrong? It was amazing to know how so much of the wealth of information can be contained in such a tiny book. If you think Pooja’s ‘N for Nourish’ is a children’s book, then you are mistaken. It is a hands-on encyclopedia for our daily nourishment. It manages the rudiments or rather it gets to the fundamentals of nourishment and our dietary habits. Also, read: You won’t ever ask for the salad after reading this! ‘N for Nourish‘ is not what you call a ground-breaking book. No, It isn’t. However, it does make you realize, what you are eating or rather not eating. Moreover how you are abusing your body and mind with your eating habits. This book is full of fun facts and amazing pictures. Each brief chapter tells you about Nutrition, food to eat and when to eat, Activities, etc., with a short explanation. It takes a gander at the fundamental parts of eating – the amount to eat, and when to eat. This book is a reminder to healthy, which we may have forgotten in our fast lifestyle. And that is why we need a book like this to keep reminding us from time to time, about what we should eat and how. A must-read for people who want to know more about food and its implications and how it changes lives. The writing style of the author is simple yet the effect it has on you incredible. Since reading this book, I have brought about many minor and major changes in my otherwise toxic lifestyle. This book ‘N for Nourish’ is a must-read for everyone, regardless of their age. It has earned a 5 out 5 stars for everything this book contains. .   .   .   .   . I hope you liked this review of ‘N for Nourish‘ by Pooka Makhija and I hope you’ve already shared it on your social media feeds or on WhatsApp. So, just to let you know, we are on Instagram too and by following us, you can get bookish posts directly on your feed. If interested, visit our Instagram profile at @booxoul. Happy Reading! Also, try reading 5 insane (but true) things about Chole Bhature.

Book Reviews

God Chronicles: Of Swarga by Ranjit More

Indian mythology believes that after death there is either SWARGA or NARKA, so we all wonder what SWARGA will be like…is it the same as earth or something beyond our imagination. How gods we worship live in Swarga? Do they have conflicts or it is all just tranquil? The Author, Ranjit More in God Chronicles takes us to the mythology world of Swarga where Indra is ruling with one absolute rule that no one should cross Line of safety. Crossing a mysterious line of safety leads to a penalty as death or ex-communication. But why? Does this rule is for the safety of goods or own convenience?. All of sudden Kratu – general supreme of Swarga, faces betrayal by king Indra. From one of the powerful of Swarga, lover of apsara-Menaka suddenly Kratu becomes nobody. All he is left is to find the truth of ‘Line of safety‘ or die mercilessly in Swarga politics. Somehow if he is unable to find the truth, then Swarga might end with the lower world. Will he be able to find the truth or fate has stored something else for him? My favorite character in ‘God Chronicles‘ will be Kratu for obvious reasons. The story revolves around him and the reader experiences his character growing from a loyal employee to a survivor of Swarga politics, a merciless fighter. But I would have appreciated if his personal life and love interest could have been elaborated little more to get invested with his character in depth. The latter half of the book becomes a little tedious as connecting with ancient names and characters becomes difficult. Also, I felt that it was a bit stretched. For this mysterious mythology novel, I will rate 3 out of 5 stars as it has a different concept. .   .   .   .   . I hope you like my review of ‘God chronicles‘ by Ranjit More and well, if you really did, then please share it na. Also, do let me know in the comments if you want me to review some specific book or write a book recommendation list and I, for sure will try to do that. Happy Reading 🙂      

Book Reviews

Love Courtroom dramas, police procedural series, and thrilling suspense? Then, Nothing Ventured by Jeffrey Archer is a book for you…

Nothing Ventured by Jeffrey Archer I have been asked many times by my friends to read books by Jeffrey Archer. But somehow or the other, I just couldn’t pick any of them. Many thanks to Pan Macmillan as they so graciously sent over Lord Jeffrey Archer’s ‘Nothing Ventured’ my way to review. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have ever read him. So I jumped head-on, with apprehensions in my heart as it was the first time I was reading any of his work. And what pleasant jolt of a surprise it was. Yeah, surprised I was. Ask me why? Firstly, this book was simply incredible! From the first chapter, I was tongue-tied. There was nothing in it to crib about. This page-turning saga ‘Nothing Ventured’ is book one of ‘Warwick Series’. In this book, Jefferey Archer introduces detective William Warwick. I must say this book was a brilliant start to I hope an even better series. Though while reading this book, you have to keep one thing in mind This is not a detective story, this is a story about a detective Indeed, this is a story of William Warwick, who has for the longest time wanted to be a detective, and much to his father, a famous barrister Sir Julian Warwick QC’s dismay joins London’s Metropolitan Police force. Whence starts his journey as a detective amidst all the twists and turns. The master storyteller knows how to keep his readers enthralled through the simple yet captivating storyline. It is so vividly told, extraordinarily engaging and hilarious at times. The brilliant narrative style of Jeffrey Archer is simply going to blow your mind with electrifying courtroom dramas, – I am sure nobody has done it better than Archer. No offense to others – shrouded with mystery throughout. There was so much going on in the story – policing, romance, court proceedings – however, regardless you don’t get befuddled by them. Furthermore, the light easy banter between the Warwick family sealed the deal form me. It worked like a cherry on top of an amazing cake. Characters I loved how the author penned his characters into the story. Each character had a distinct persona. They had so much depth and emotions that at one point, I felt like I seriously got entangled in their events. The characters enriched the story more. Also read: I read this book in one sitting! Do I recommend this book? Yes, I highly recommended ‘Nothing Ventured’ to those who love Courtroom dramas, police procedural series, and thrilling suspense. Sure to raise your hackles and make you breathless. This book has earned a 5 out of 5 stars for the Author Jeffrey Archer’s sheer story writing style and character build-up. .   .   .   .   . About the Author Jeffrey Archer Website: Twitter: @jeffrey_archer Jeffrey Howard Archer, Baron Archer of Weston-super-Mare (born 15 April 1940) is an English author and former politician. He was a Member of Parliament and deputy chairman of the Conservative Party and became a life peer in 1992. His political career, having suffered several controversies, ended after a conviction for perverting the course of justice and his subsequent imprisonment. He is married to Mary Archer, a scientist specializing in solar power. Outside politics, he is a novelist, playwright, and short-story writer. Read more… .   .   .   .   . So, that was my review of ‘Nothing Ventured‘ by Jeffrey Archer. I hope you liked it and if you did, then don’t forget to share it with people who you think are going to love this book. Also, we are open to suggestions, so if you have any suggestion for us to make things better here, do let us know in the comments below! Happy Reading 🙂

Book Reviews

You must read this book at least once!

City of Girls by Elizabeth Gilbert What do I say about this book? About the author Elizabeth Gilbert? I am just going to say one thing that I have totally become hopelessly enamored with this book and Elizabeth’s writing style. I recall Apoorv, speaking unremittingly about how ‘Eat, Pray and Love‘ is a delightfully written book and how it resonated with him; after reading the City of Girls, I do now know what he is was talking about. There is a certain smell of the term “beach read,” about this book. The story has an ephemeral quality that slowly soaks you in and devours you at its own pace. I was longing to be on the sand, with the music of gentles waves in the background, with no thoughts whatsoever in my mind. In ‘City of Girls’, the 89 yrs old protagonist Vivian Morris, recounts her life in a letter to Angela, the daughter of her only love. Along with Angela, Vivi will take us on an enchanting ride to the glamorous world of 1940s New York, where we are swept off our feet in the glittering nights and musical comedies in a crumbling theater called Lily’s Playhouse. When I started reading the book City of Girls, I felt that something was missing throughout. I did enjoy Elizabeth Gilbert’s writing, and the overall story, yet the feeling didn’t go. Then I decided to share my feelings about this book with my friend @book_gobbler. She told me that the soul of the book was there, right there in every word you read. I missed it because I did the mistake of judging the character of Vivian Morris, with the moral code of this is right and that is wrong. Hence, I decided to re-read the book, but this time without any judgment clouding my mind. I realized, that this was a tale of embracing the imperfect you, and standing for it, no matter what. Vivian, who was as imperfect as one can be, yet was comfortable in herself, and happy. Gilbert knows how to weave a story with humor and tragedy sewn onto a whimsical set of people. I loved, how I slowly transitioned with Vivi to aging timelines and grew old to be a defined woman. Furthermore, Gilbert ever so passionately and sensibly gives an element of the war and what it does to people. Kudos to Elizabeth Gilbert. Why should you read the ‘City of Girls’? Because it is worth your time and money. And I loved reading this book. It was a change I so badly needed. I say you must read the book at least once! .   .   .   .   . Have you read this book? IF yes, then do let us know in the comments, what do you think of it? Also, if you think that in any way, we can make our reviews or recommendations or articles better, then just let us know in the comments or DM us on Instagram, here.

Book Reviews

The Conspiracy Unknown by Abishek Babu

Two stories and two different timelines running on a path of love, betrayals and the conspiracies unknown. Sounds intriguing, right? Abishek Babu’s ‘The Conspiracy Unknown‘, is set in an imaginary world of two different timelines. Spread in various genres: historical, mystery and fantasy, is a book worth spending your time on. Initially, though, the story is a bit confusing, but as you move further, it will start making sense to you. It is remarkable how the author has so minutely detailed each part of the story and merge them into an epic of a story. And kudos to him for penning a story at such a huge level and yet making sure that the readers don’t feel lost. In fact, past the initial, I loved how the story took shape. Abishek’s narrative was a confluence smooth flowing river. Highly engaging and entertaining. Furthermore, I loved how he through his story tackled a sensitive issue of rape. Though it was a very minor part of the story, the impression it left on me was impactful. Amazing Abishek! Characters talk It can be difficult sometimes for readers to connect with the character of the book. Especially those books which deal with two timelines and many characters apart from main characters, who fleet in and fleet out of the story. However, the author Abishek Babu with his pen has done an amazing job of justifying each character in regards to the storyline of this book. What I did not like about the book? ‘The Conspiracy Unknown’ could have been a 5 on 5 reads, had it not been such a huge book. I felt that it was in some places stretched out a bit. Moreover, the language needed editing. I feel that the publishers should do their part honestly while editing so that the hard work authors do, pay off. Overall, the book is a perfect travel companion. And a perfect read for the thriller, time travel, and fantasy fans. For me, it’s a 3.5 out of 5 stars read. .   .   .   .   . Do let us know in the comments if you liked the review and if you’ve read this book, then what’s your review of it? Also, read: Traveller Inceptio Happy Reading 🙂

Book Reviews

A must-read for the readers who love the books with the air of mystery

Forgo by Jai T.J Okay… Forgo by the author Jai T. J. is one hell of a book. I was twisted into many knots throughout the book. I was awestruck if I would simply say. Full of surprises on every turn of a page! Forgo is going to keep you on your toes. Initially, when I started reading this book I was somewhat confused with the turn of events. But as the story unraveled, so did the story. The whole aura of the story felt otherworldly. The most part of the story of Forgo is set in Bangalore. Author Jai, sure knows what he’s doing. A master of storytelling, his narrative is spellbinding. However hard I tried I couldn’t get out of its clutches. The very first scene of the book is sure to give your heart a stutter. And a few pages in and you will be sucked into the vortex nightmares. Kudos to the author Jai, whose hard work can be seen in every minute details of the story. About the characters; I am speechless!!! Devin, his sister, Miss 55, and etc. They were mystifying. I had no idea what to make of them. Each character was a mystery to me until the very end of the story. Jai’s Forgo is a complete package of Thriller, suspense, and horror, which will grip you hard on its very sharp claws. Though the only thing I did not like about this book was the language. I wouldn’t say that it was hard or something, on the contrary, it was quite easy to understand, but it was a bit crude. Unfortunate, this is the case in most of the good books I get to read. And that, in my opinion, hinders the success of the book. Do I recommend this book to you? Yes, this is a must-read for the readers who love the books with the air of mystery. A perfect book to read in cozy winter nights. A 4 out of 5 stars read for me! .   .   .   .   . I hope you liked the review. Do let us know in the comments, if we missed anything or if in any way, can we make this better and also, do you have any special request for us to post about? If yes, then, either comment down below or DM us on Instagram, here.

Book Reviews

INFIN-EIGHT: Eight Principles for Infinite Professional Success by Prajeet Budhale

INFIN-EIGHT by Prajeet Budhale To be honest, I am not a big fan of self-help books. So when I received the book Infin-Eight by Prajeet Budhale to review, I wasn’t much excited about it. Boy, wasn’t I wrong? It is not just a regular self-help book. With 22 years of experience in the various professional fields, author Prajeet Budhale through his book nudges us towards an uncomplicated professional life. It is divided into eight chapters, giving it’s reader step by step guide to lead a happy professional life. The first chapter teaches us to recognize ‘professional ability‘ answering the question ‘What is our perfect calling?‘. With some amazing questionnaire and fun activities, we start unraveling ourselves in a very interesting way. Furthermore, the author, through these activities help us to understand the work environment and the teamwork. The book was so engaging that I was compelled to read further and participate in the entire activities. Furthermore, the language with its simplicity bowled me over. This book came as a pleasant surprise to me. From cover to the chapters, every element of this book enthralled me. This book has earned 5 out of 5 stars, for keeping me engaged throughout, which, in fact, is a difficult task when it comes to self-help books. And I am sure there will be others like me, who would immensely enjoy reading this book. I recommend Prajeet’s Infin-Eight to everyone who is just starting the job or have been working since like forever, for this book is very important for your professional as well as personal well being. This is a must-read for everyone. .   .   .   .   . I hope you liked the review. If you did, then don’t forget to check our whole book recommendations and book reviews directory. Also, have you read this book? IF yes, then do let us know your take of Infin-Eight by Prajeet Budhale in the comments below! Happy Reading 🙂

Book Reviews

Simply Amazing!

Ambuj by Anita Shirodkar This year, unlike last, has been pretty good in reading. I got an opportunity to read some amazing books from Indian authors. Authors like Anita Shirodkar, whose book Ambuj is a book 3 in the trilogy GUARDIANS OF THE BLUE LOTUS. I was initially confused about the story as I hadn’t read the previous two books. Fortunately, as it turns out that there was a quick summary of the previous two books at the beginning of the book, which really helped me understand the concept of this book well. Though, I gotta read it’s previous two books. I must say I was mighty impressed with how the author created every part of the story. From the execution of the story to the characters and the narration. I wish I had a chance of reading the previous two books of the trilogy. Anita’s book Ambuj is a fast-paced thrill ride. You will be sucked in the vortex of the twist and turns the story takes. Simply amazing. Though you have to keep tabs of the several characters this book has. The author has artfully weaved the story with elements of love, adventure, politics in a beautifully imagined world, with an air of mystery surrounding it. The narrative is brilliantly done, amalgamating various parts of the story smoothly. The language was easy to understand and crisp and lucid. The vividness of the story doesn’t fail to impress its readers. And the characters are brilliantly thought of and executed by the author. Each character has a trait that defines his personality in rather an impressive way. What I didn’t like about the book was its size. It was a bit stretched for my liking. Overall an amazing read. A must-read for people who like to read Indian fictional mythology and fantasy. It’s a 4 out of 5 stars read for me!

Book Reviews

Kanpur Khoofiya Pvt. Ltd by Richa S Mukherjee – I read this book in one sitting!

Kanpur Khoofiya Pvt. Ltd by Richa S Mukherjee This is the very first time I have completely and irrevocably fallen in love with an Indian author. Ha! Me, who always use to criticize them for something or the other. I am talking about Richa Mukherjee, the author of Kanpur Khoofiya PVT Ltd. The moment I started reading it, I knew that I was going to love this book and it’s super interesting characters. Hat’s off to Richa, who did a remarkable job with her writing – simplistic, yet full of wit and humor – which is confident and self-assured and the narrative is vivid and compelling (I read this book in one sitting, which for me is the first time). It will keep you chuckling… This witty, suspense story Kanpur Khoofiya PVT Ltd. will keep you chuckling. Furthermore, it has every element to keep you hooked; from intense moments to a little bit of action, to some mind-boggling mystery, all mixed in crazy humor. I was mightily impressed with the story, dipped and soaked in Kanpuriya essence and peppered with Kanpuriya slang. Every nook and corner of the story was a treat to my heart. There wasn’t a moment when I hadn’t chuckled like crazy. The Characters Cherry to the cake was its characters. Especially, Prachand Tripathi and his wife Vidya, and also Hirwa, the cow. These crazy characters seemed so real and believable, that they are now etched my heart forever. It was fun following Prachand Tripathi as he was trying to solve the disappearance of famous personality Shailaja Kapoor, and the murder of her husband. Loved the chemistry between him and his wife Vidya, and their crazy banter was hilarious. As crazy as the characters seem, and as nutty as their adventures are, they still seem so real and believable. Also, read: Love courtroom dramas, police procedural series, and thrilling suspense? Do I recommend it? Richa made sure that none can unravel the ‘whodunit’ mystery. She made us circle around our own assumptions. Kudos! One thing that I did not like about the book was that it finished too early. I did not want it to end and, part with my favorite characters. I hope that Richa turns this book into a long series (fingers crossed). For me, it’s a 5 out of 5 stars read. .   .   .   .   . Have you read this book? If yes, then do let us know your take on ‘Kanpur Khoofiya Pvt. Ltd‘. Also, you can get bookish updates straight on your feed by following us on Instagram.   View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Booxoul (@booxoul) on Oct 9, 2019 at 5:37am PDT Happy Reading 🙂