Rekha Bhagtani

Content Writer, Poet, Fiction Writer and a bundle of mystique, Rekha Bhagtani is a person who believes that writing is a true escapade one can get from this ruthless, mortal world. Not only is writing and reading therapeutic but also a complete life-altering experience for her, one she longs to revel and dive in every day, far from the clandestine of today, into the unknown, unexplored realms of something new every time.

Coming soon with her second book, a fiction where time travel meets romance in a fun manner, thanks to mythology. Confused? Keep watching this space…

Follow on Instagram @rekha.bhagtani

The Stigma Surrounding Depression: Breaking the Silence
Lifestyle, Storified

The Stigma Surrounding Depression: Breaking the Silence

Did you know that the majority of people who suffer from depression take years to come out of their shells? Thanks to the stigma created around mental health, people often refrain from coming forward and discussing their mental issues openly since they fear being judged for them. Presenting The Stigma Surrounding Depression: Breaking the Silence

Banned from Shelves: Unveiling the Truth Behind the Milk and Honey Controversy
Poetry, Book Reviews, Non-fiction

Banned from Shelves: Unveiling the Truth Behind the Milk and Honey Controversy

Ever tasted raw pain and yet felt powerful? Hmm, that is exactly what acceptance and growth are all about. To be able to come to terms with your nemesis in life and overcome all odds. Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur, a collection of cathartic modern-day micropoems, is much more than an assimilation of her wandering, meandering trysts with life; they are pieces of the whole journey she has candidly splayed on paper, transforming her pain into power through her pen.

The Hound of the Baskervilles | Sir Arthur Conan Doyle | Book Review
Book Reviews, Claasics, Fiction

The Hound of the Baskervilles | Sir Arthur Conan Doyle | Book Review

Ever read a book that sets your pulse racing so speedily that you don’t know even when a boulder hits you flat on the face? Oh yeah, I actually forgot to breathe! I mean there are some classic crime fictions which are made to be with us for a lifetime and The Hound of the Baskervilles by Arthur Conan Doyle is one of them. Check it out in the musing I have for you guys here below.