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Midnight In The Snow

Neelam Sharma,



A highly recommended read for the lover of slow-burn romance.
Age Rating: 15+ years


What if the thing that you see, you perceive and believe all along turns out to be misleading and false?

There are always 2 sides to any story, different vantages to the same circumstance. It all comes down to perception. What might hold true for you might not be the actual case scenario many times in life. We often tend to unfairly judge and type caste a person or thing, forgetting that there must be a reason behind why they chose to do something in the first place. Thus, sometimes, even the wrongs committed are actually those which have taken place to probably avoid a much greater, graver peril.

In the wake of the festive season, I happened to read this fabulous title by Karen Swan. I had read her previous work, “The Greek Escape’ in 2018 and had actually felt transported to the Greek setting at that point in time. A good plot with a number of unexpected twists, this was a fast-paced read.

Midnight In The Snow, too, had me smitten, I must say. True, her writing is enticing as always, but what I really liked about this particular piece of romance was that instead of being too mushy and lovey-dovey, this one was more realistic and relatable. The story of Clover and Kit, and the way their lives are entwined through destiny, had me sleepless, trying to read it in one single shot! 

With the plot moving through Switzerland, Austria, and London, this book is a superb romance with glamour as well as emotion added to it. Be it the core idea, the characterizations, the twists and turns throughout the story, as well as the fact that Karen Swan has blended so much in one book and given the readers romance, emotion, and much more, this is surely a must-read this season!!

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Be it, Ari, Kit’s bestie, or Matty, Johny, Beau, or even any other character, the warmth and the relativity portrayed by each and everyone is straight from the heart. I resonated with each and every character and also connected with their individual presence in the story. The way Clover’s character is portrayed in a multi-dimensional aspect within the spotlight and beyond it is well done. So is Kit and his arrogance. The fact that he is arrogant is attributable to the fact that he is extremely dedicated to his sport. You will surely connect to the warmth they exude towards the end, which I feel has always been the beauty of Karen’s writing, to completely douse you in warm fuzzy emotional roller coasters while taking you through icy cold paths of unnerving rawness. A bit of mystery added here and there is what also gives it an amazing sense of colour, I daresay. I felt like I was myself, tobogganing down a snowy slope, dipping in the showers of mindful emotional peals created by her.

 As far as the storyline of Midnight In The Snow goes, the fact that it portrays both sides of the story without turning preachy is commendable. There is subtlety as well as a rich, raw glamour attached to it. And snowboarding was simply wow!! A superb amalgamation of bucket list stuff with some serious romance, huh!

The way Karen has managed to highlight the finer aspects of Kit’s persona while bringing out his lesser-known aspects (say, for instance, his warm personality versus an obnoxious image) is commendable as one is simply left gasping once the revelations take place towards the end.

Wouldn’t divulge more!!

Go and grab this read of the season peeps!!   

In the meantime, this being one of the last reviews of this calendar year, a very very Happy New Year in advance from all of us here at Booxoul. Stay safe, be healthy, don’t forget to mask up and remember: in case you are being refrained from any of your favourite activities or indulgences by the authorities, they have your best interest at heart. Follow the protocols and also follow us on @Booxoul for the hottest, relatable, and entertaining content. I am promising loads and loads of fresh, crisp, useful, interesting, and amazing content in the New Year 2022. I love you people, and I wish you a happy New Year in advance!!!

I hope you like the book review of Midnight In The Snow by Karen Swan. Do let us know what you think in the comments.

Ciao my Loveliessss….. 

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