Travelogues Across Hemispheres
Physical or mental, good or bad, pleasurable or otherwise, the writer’s endeavor should be to pen in such a way that the reader vicariously experiences the writer’s own experience. The success of a writer presumably depends directly upon the degree to which they are able to achieve this crucial objective.
Neither has Bhupender an artistic background nor is he a photography aficionado. But destiny arguably is unpredictable. It sometimes has unplanned ventures to peruse. So probably during one of his regular evening drives from office to home the beauty of the sunset inadvertently captured his imagination, engendering feelings that he says were more romantic than his real romantic encounters.
Fascinated with the waves of the sea caressing over the sand, part of it sinking in and the rest going back to the sea only to return with the same vigor, plausibly prodded him to discover a new meaning for courage. He looked up at the sky to realize the incredible vastness of nature that he was part of it now.
Saddled himself with a camera, tripod, paper and a pen, and off he goes globe-trotting. To click the little fairylands in the world and collect the scattered jewels of incredible places only to share them with you.
A captivating read indeed for both, avid and armchair travelers.
Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.
Andre Gide
Indeed, travelling and that too explorative travelling, is certainly not everyone’s cup of tea. You definitely need to have an open mind, a flexible attitude and an open vision to ensure that you derive the maximum out of your excursion or trip. Adventure trips or relaxing, soothing getaways, the idea is simple- you have to get the best out of your experience.
Our book in review today, Travelogues Across Hemispheres By Bhupender Gupta is one such travelogue. An extraordinary book chronicling the travels undertaken by him, it not only highlights the fine, noteworthy aspects of his journey across mesmerizing locations such as Kashmir, Leh-Ladakh, New Zealand, New York, L A but also gives us a very colourful, informative as well as interesting insight into the beauty of these.

The narrative is crisp, with reasonable importance having been given to the vantage points which are portrayed in each and every place of the Author’s visit. Without using any kind of over intimidating, powerful tones, Bhupender has put across facts as well as depictions of his travels in a simple, yet effortless and elegant manner.
I especially want to mention the superb photography. Each and every picture speaks a story of its own. It has been taken with utmost care not only signifying the object it was clicked for in the first place but also giving us that zesty, zingy feeling that envelopes our minds whenever we go to some exciting new location.
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In challenging times like these, when travelling has become difficult, thanks to the ongoing pandemic, this book comes across as a blessing, a breath of fresh air, a respite from the melancholy and the dark depressive aura that threatens to swallow us and envelop us into uncertain oblivion. Imagine an elderly old person for whom travelling has become an absolute no-no. Or even someone who wishes to explore new places but cannot do so thanks to the persistent lockdowns countries across the world are facing.
For me, the fact that Bhupender has chosen to share his memorable travel experiences in such a beautiful manner is a win-win by itself.

I had a couple of small pointers though. Firstly, maybe the next time he could shed a bit more light as to his food and accommodation arrangements too as I feel that shall not only make up for an informative read but also give another perspective to the complete reading experience making it more wholesome and multidimensional.
Second, to be a little more selfish on a personal note, some more beautiful photographs too as I feel he does a great deal of justice with his photography skills and having put those at work he manages to capture the true essence of any place. Not only will the pictures take your breath away but make you yearn for more. Great job!
Am sure this is the first book in a many part series. What with an amazing sense of photography, a crystal clear portrayal of each and every itinerary on the list, an amazing array of exotic locations, Bhupender’s next travelogues shall be awaited with bated breath and a lot of anticipation since our readers know that they can surely expect something wondrously amazing even the next time. Here’s wishing him the best for that one too. Can’t wait. In the meantime, as far as this travelogue is concerned superb attempt I must say.

So that is it for today from all of us at Booxoul. See you soon with another adventure, another great book review, another beautiful lifestyle or entertainment blog. Keep watching this space coz we have loads and loads of amazing content lined up and we cannot wait for you to read them.
Ciao people, signing off with some wise words by Ralph Waldo Emerson
Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.
Hope you like the book review of Travelogues Across Hemispheres by Bhupender Gupta. Do let us know what you think in the comments below
An internationally accredited book blogger, voracious reader and the founder of Booxoul, one of India’s leading book and lifestyle blogs, Neelam is a person with a penchant for bringing out the best in people. A website designer, a renowned book blogger and a leading creative influencer on Instagram, here is a lady who is candid, closer to life and sensitive to the softest of emotions…
A Book Blogger, Reviewer, a true friend, honest critique, a relentless benefactor and more…
What a well-written review!