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by Jai T.J

Okay… Forgo by the author Jai T. J. is one hell of a book. I was twisted into many knots throughout the book. I was awestruck if I would simply say.

Full of surprises on every turn of a page! Forgo is going to keep you on your toes.

Initially, when I started reading this book I was somewhat confused with the turn of events. But as the story unraveled, so did the story. The whole aura of the story felt otherworldly.

Reading Forgo on Kindle

The most part of the story of Forgo is set in Bangalore. Author Jai, sure knows what he’s doing. A master of storytelling, his narrative is spellbinding. However hard I tried I couldn’t get out of its clutches. The very first scene of the book is sure to give your heart a stutter. And a few pages in and you will be sucked into the vortex nightmares.

Kudos to the author Jai, whose hard work can be seen in every minute details of the story. About the characters; I am speechless!!! Devin, his sister, Miss 55, and etc. They were mystifying. I had no idea what to make of them. Each character was a mystery to me until the very end of the story.

Jai’s Forgo is a complete package of Thriller, suspense, and horror, which will grip you hard on its very sharp claws. Though the only thing I did not like about this book was the language. I wouldn’t say that it was hard or something, on the contrary, it was quite easy to understand, but it was a bit crude. Unfortunate, this is the case in most of the good books I get to read. And that, in my opinion, hinders the success of the book.

Do I recommend this book to you?

Yes, this is a must-read for the readers who love the books with the air of mystery. A perfect book to read in cozy winter nights.

A 4 out of 5 stars read for me!


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