School vs. College

From one gate to another gate, Though I am still always late, Things changed, and the life too, To moments I had to bid adieu!! School vs. College What do you miss the most right now, like your favorite memory? That old school love? Those last bench pranks? That college bunk for a date? Or those late-night hostel parties? It’s so amazing how gradually changes occur, from a heavy school bag to few copies in hands, from those ribbon-tied hairs to fringes and layers, from that decent face to some grown unkempt beard. Too many changes!! Let’s take a look at the two most talked about phases of our life, SCHOOL VS COLLEGE.   1) Punctuality School: On-time always. Not even a minute late. Rather 20 min before the bell rang. I swear I have seen children crying out loud even if they got late by 10 min to school. College: “Me and punctual? Oh, Shut up!”, this was the reaction of most of my college mates when I questioned them about being punctual. Often I see, when the college starts at 9 am, one of my friends leaves the bed just 15 min prior to it. So, unfortunately never punctual. (Even happens with me at times! :-P) 2) Attendance School: A decent attendance of 90%, 80%, 75% for that matter. A medical certificate for 74%. Going to school even with a high fever. College: 75% of attendance… Ask those students who strive hard for the minimum attendance criteria so that they can give the papers. And on top of that what sucks is we get marked on the basis of our college attendance. Seems funny to me at times… ? 3) Exams School: Full syllabus done, revision done 2 times, just need to look a few formulae once, slept at 11 pm. College: Its 11 pm at night. Course- just started. Studying for half an hour and taking a nap of an hour. And then you get reminded of an old memory and when you get back on track you see the time, and it’s 1:00 am. 4) The Semblance! School: A clear distinction between boys and girls. Boys with short well-kept hair. Small beard. Girls with either plated hair or tied with ribbons. A decent look although. College: Sometimes it gets difficult even to differentiate the gender. Though personal it is, yet I would like to mention that there was a time when a close friend of mine(male to avoid any confusion) had longer front hairs than mine. And I was like, okay, not a big deal. And at times that unkempt beard. No one to judge here, but not that decent a look I guess. Girls with those flying hair, wonder if they don’t get irritated. No offense though. 5) The special occasions, BORN DAY!! School: A big party at home, distributing those sweets in school with the best friend. That was the day when people got to know that two people were best friends. College: Party-all-night…party-all-night.. On the birthday eve, two cakes on the table, one for the cake cutting, one for the face painting… ? Some hard birthday bombs, a few pictures and a lot of memories for a lifetime. 6) The most painful things  ? School: When the teacher is absent but the substitution teacher is one of your subject teachers and your extra P.T. period is canceled. ? College: When you return from a hectic morning to noon schedule and find the worst food of your life, the mess food. At times, it feels like the world is broken. (P.S.- I’m sure, every one of you who has had mess food, must have complained at least once in life to your parents about it. Well, I do it regularly without any break.) 7) Desires!!! School: Simple desires of having a phone, leave getting the number of your crush, even the sight is a delight. And some have the high desires to topping the school. College: A perfect body with abs, without even working hard for it. A college placement. High profile jobs. And the best better half. ? .   .   .   .   . This is how life changes from school to college and I hope you felt related to these 7 School vs College facts, the basic things though. How the desires and dreams change. How we change gradually. What changes did you find in yourself, do share in the comments section? Also, just like this school vs college (written by Pragya), you can share your ideas and your stories with us on Instagram or Facebook. We would love to feature it here with your name! Happy Reading 🙂

What Won’t Get You Your Dream Job: Story of a Job Hunt – Roopesh Tiwari

If you are a fresher, freshly graduated from a college & seeking a job desperately, this is the book for you!!! Roopesh Tiwari in this book reveals all the secrets that you need to know to crack an interview in his new book. I wish What won’t get you your dream job was published before I faced my campus interviews. Apart from giving the insight on “How to crack an interview?”, this book also tells us a story that everyone will relate to. The author has managed the balance well between the story & the technical content. You will never feel lost in the storyline or get bored with the know how’s of an interview. Questions about the education & employment system of our country are well answered here. Rather than just cribbing around this well-known problem, he accepts & acknowledges it. He admits, how the sole motive behind acquiring any degree in our country is to find a decent job. He has highlighted many important aspects of hiring that we often miss while preparing for an interview. Nobody tells us about these small little things, that make an average candidate stand out from the crowd. For example, by just observing the type of interviewer you are facing, you can work wonders. In day to day life, everyone likes to be around easygoing people (people who are easy to handle). We know it very well & practice it every day. But we never realized that this criterion is relevant in the corporate world too. Roopesh has mentioned so many tips like this in the book. The one take away line from this book for me is “When in doubt, do what is bold, and you will never lose in the long run.” I really loved it. His tips are so good that I was forced to make notes like college days. He also mentions many researchers & surveys in the field of recruitment & human resource. This shows how well-read & researched he is. Overall the book is a good read, with very good font size & page quality. It’s not very long but it’s lengthy enough to cover the points Roopesh is trying to make here. I would give 5 out of 5 stars to this book & would definitely recommend it to all my juniors. .   .   .   .   . Help us in making our content even better by telling us the flaws in the comments below. Also, you can get our bookish updates straight on your Instagram feed. All you’ve to do is give us a follow: Follow @booxoul And if you’ve any special demand for books to be reviewed or recommended or anything, then just DM us or let us know in the comments and we’ll soon come up with something. Happy Reading 🙂 Also, read: School vs. College

Zero Not Out: Every journey has to end, for a new beginning by Vamshi Krishna

Zero Not Out by Vamshi Krishna

While “Chhichhore” movie entertains us in the theatres, this novel won’t disappoint the sports lover readers among us. Both the stories revolve around the parental support today’s generation craves rather need in this cut-throat era of competition. Also, these stories have our prestige institutes and sports in it. Making it, a complete package of entertainment. Maybe, it’s just a coincidence that I read & watched these stories in the same week. But I must say I liked them equally. The language of the book is really easy and you need not refer to a dictionary every now and then. Though there are few grammatical and spelling mistakes, you will still enjoy the plot thoroughly. It is a gripping and catchy story that made me smile and feel emotional at the same time. Its length is just perfect for a story like this. Everyone who has lived a hostel life will be able to relate to it at some point in time. It also shows the role of a father in his son’s life at different stages of life. I don’t want to share more spoilers but, I would definitely salute Vamshi’s effort to address this critical issue our young population is facing nowadays. Since he is an IITian himself, he understands the pain better. The depression and pressure that follows are known to everyone but are addressed by none. After studying so hard for the entrance exams and clearing the tedious years of college, when the kids fail to secure the job they deserve, they take steps like suicide. Vamshi has not only addressed this issue beautifully but he has also shown how technology can be used to fight it. His efforts will definitely benefit our young generation and to some extent curb youth suicides. In Zero Not Out, author Vamshi Krishna has done justice to the subject and gave readers a perspective on the issue and its probable solution. His creativity in terms of plots is commendable and the way he deals with emotions is remarkable. Though the initial story looks similar to many bestselling novels, gradually it stands out. I am giving this book 4 out of 5 stars for its amazing plot & author’s courage to address a critical issue. Withholding one star for the old storyline & average editing. Happy reading fellas. 🙂