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The World of Ancients: Into the Mythical Realm

Neelam Sharma
Author: Lakshmanavaradhan Vicky


Have you wondered if in reality, magic decides to settle in our lives, what things would be like? What if I tell you that we live alongside magical creatures in reality, which have been a myth before? Exciting right? Well, that is the beauty of fantasy fiction. It brings to life worlds which are mystic and yet wondrously attractive to us. The World of Ancients: Into the Mythical Realm by Lakshmanavaradhan Vicky is a fantasy which is such a pursuit. Delving into this a bit more through this review.

You know, I have always enjoyed reading fantasy more than any other genre for the simple reason that fantasy is one of those genres that has not only magical realism embedded in it but also one where you have the freedom to explore those unique concepts that are otherwise only myths.

The World of Ancients: Into the Mythical Realm by Lakshmanavaradhan Vicky is such a fantasy fiction which made me disappear down such a world of the untold and unfathomed. Based on an epic which centres around a key to unravel prophecies written on a skull, this fantasy fiction is a great story filled with action, comradeship, bravery, romance as well as a host of twists and turns.

Akello, who is a young griffin rider, is elected as an envoy of Alaoka to bring an end to the chaos and vengeance spread across Alaoka. Whilst on this adventure, envoys from various landscapes join Akello on his mission alongside mythical beasts.

Akello, being the chosen one, has been entrusted with the task of uniting the four lands in order to find the prophecies which have been etched on a mysterious skull. The interesting facet to note in the entire adventure is the fact that there are multiple aspects which threaten to derail and debunk their mission and the only thing that can possibly lead Akello and the others to the victory of their mission is the power of their alliance.

While the world-building and character-building were done meticulously, I somehow felt the narrative could have been a bit slicker and well-edited, especially grammatically and otherwise too. Sometimes, a little compromised tone and dictum can derail the flow of an otherwise excellent narrative, toning it down to a more “regular” sort. Nevertheless, being a great plot, this one was well on target as far as the story building, as well as the overall idea, were concerned. The author, Vicky, has ensured that there is substantial weight and ado given to each and every character, along with giving each of them ample space and presence to be able to build into the best version of themselves. Be it anger, friendship, bravery, romance, or any other emotion displayed and portrayed in the book, Vicky has ensured that each and every one of them is put forth after a lot of thought and conveyed intensely, while also ensuring that it fits perfectly, akin to a glove, as far as the principal plot goes.

On the flip side, I definitely felt that a spot bit of editing could have done the book a whole lot of good. Not only making it devoid of the grammatical errors I mentioned earlier, the editing and proofreading would have done wonders for the book. Like I said earlier, many a time, a better edit, a slicker presentation and most importantly more finessed content are what tend to stay in the mind of the reader, long after he finishes reading through.

For the story to be able to stay long enough in one’s memory, even after one has finished with it, there are several requisites and one needs to tick a whole lot of boxes to be able to get there. I am not saying Vicky has not fulfilled all of those, but some of them surely needed work. Hopefully, in the next, these things will be paid attention to him and the further story will be presented in a much better manner.

So, if you have an ardent interest in fantasy, are fond of reading stories that revolve around mythic creatures and want to disappear in a land full of magical realism, go for this piece of work. Well plotted, this narrative is something one will enjoy reading especially if they want to be transported to imaginary lands where beasts and creatures of all sorts thrive. That for me, is the best thing about fantasy fiction. I always feel the scope for imagination in this genre is the maximum since there is simply no dearth of ideas, or limit to the kind of imagination one can incorporate in their writing. In fact, I always say that fantasy is one genre which gives a writer the true wings of freedom of imagination. A good read.

Related: From Page to Screen: A Look at the Best Fantasy Book Series Adapted Into TV Shows and Movies

So, hope you guys my book review the fantastical world of Myths and Magical: The World of Ancients by Lakshmanavaradhan Vicky.

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