
Divided We Fall

Divided We Fall

I want you to do something for me. I want you to think about your maid or a beggar on the street, their eyes dark and sunken, three meals a day their only goal in life. Now I want you to think about how it is a pure accident that you have been born as you, in your family, with your resources. I want you to understand that had anything gone even a little bit differently, you could have been the one out on the street. The reason I am telling you this is not to admonish you or anything but to remind you of this fact because everyone seems to have forgotten it. The way I see people treating those less fortunate than themselves… it appalls me, it really does. I never thought that one day, possessing basic human qualities such as kindness and virtue would be regarded as a rarity. This ties into the main point of this article, which is regarding the recent surge in communal violence in this country. The Bhagavad Gita and the Quran do not speak of ill-will towards one another, but their followers are hell-bent on wiping out the other community. With the advent of social media, it became acceptable for embittered millennials to preach selfishness as a viable trait. “The world will never understand me. So screw the world”. Why? Because they got their heartbroken by their crush. As time went on, this ideal gathered widespread acceptance. Looking out only for yourself and being aloof from those around you became the “cool” thing to do. Not caring became the “cool” thing to do. While this by itself did not lead us to the point where actual legislation is being made to exclude Islam from this country, it did exacerbate the problem. Because being selfish and never forgetting or forgiving are the root causes of India’s latest issue. Because of things that happened decades and centuries ago, we are today taught that some problems cannot be fixed, some people just cannot change. It is in their “blood”. We need to eradicate them from our nation. Facebook and Twitter are not social media platforms, they are the breeding grounds of intolerance. They played a pivotal role in the spreading of hate culture in this country, and now we are in too deep. Remember I asked you to think about those less fortunate than you? Now think about this – it is pure luck that your last name is, say, Bose or Das instead of Khan or Ali. At the end of the day, we are people first, and Hindus or Muslims after. Religious intolerance is simply not forgetting and not forgiving on a wider scale. We are all children of this great nation. I am a law student, I know what the Constitution says. We are supposed to be the noblest, most forgiving and most accommodating race in the entire world. Instead, we are at each other’s throats, because of books written by people, not even by God. Someone like you and I wrote those scriptures, and now a country is tearing itself apart from the inside because of them. At the end of the day, it is up to you – let the past destroy the present and the future, or carve a new path, based on values that seem to have been forgotten? Side with a Government that thinks Islam is a dangerous disease or side with the secular Constitution without which that Government would not exist in the first place? None of us are perfect, but we are supposed to be the best there is in the entire solar system. If this is our condition in the present, what hope remains for the future? In my opinion, India was once the greatest country in this world. Let’s you and I play our part, no matter how small, in restoring it to its former glory. Also, read: The Rage Within


Whose fault is that women get raped?

Whose fault is it that women get raped? Short clothes! Society! Education! Convent Schools! We knew that we’re going to hear some really horrifying things while shooting this video but now, we are more disgusted than horrified. But as the famous saying goes ‘Har raat ke baad subah aati hai’, we also believe that things are going to change and we as collective can play our part in bringing those changes. We mostly talk bookish stuff at @booxoul but today, in our own small way, we want to bring a change and hope that you will help us to bring that change by sharing this video and, let us know in the comments section, what else we can do. (Read more)

Top 10 Adventurous Things to do in India

Top 10 Adventurous Things to do in India

India is an incredible country where so many adventurous can be done; Numerous people visit India every year for enjoying unique festivals, for relishing authentic & traditional Indian dishes, and for having exciting, daring, and unusual experience in life. Here I want to describe ten adventurous things which people can do in India. Here we go:   1) Holi Celebration This occasion is known as the festival of colors, Mathura and Vrindavan are the best places for Holi celebration, their people play Holi with flowers, colors, water, and these places are also famous for Lath maar Holi in which women beat men with sticks and men use shields to protect themselves. This is an old tradition that was followed by Lord Krishna and his beloved goddess Radha Ji. Million of foreigners and locals visit these places at the time of Holi.   2) Rafting There are so many rivers in India where people can enjoy rafting. Still, Rishikesh is the well-preferred place because of the Ganga river, it is known as the holiest river, and rafters can fill their mind with positivity and can enjoy breathtaking sceneries and views.    3) Diwali This is the very famous festival of Hindus, and People celebrate this festival for commemorating Lord Rama. This festival is the sign of victory of good over evil; this can be enjoyed in many states (Haryana, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, etc.)  of India in October and November.   4) Ride of Hot Air Balloon Riding in the hot air balloon and great fun, those we see in the movies or our imagination world we can enjoy those views in real via hot balloon ride. Beautiful sceneries, seas, and oceans can be seen clearly. Jaipur, Lonavala, Bhopal are the most beautiful sites for a hot air balloon ride.   5) Trekking It’s a type of walking, and the purpose of walking is exploring and enjoying the view of a specific place. People can enjoy trekking in Nag Tibba, Bhriggu lake, Ladakh, and Singalia national park in India.   6) Paragliding If you want to fly like a bird in the sky with open arms, so paragliding is the immaculate activity for you. There are numerous destinations where you can enjoy the lush greenery and snow-capped mountains in India through paragliding.   7) Underwater Walking Do you want to feel like marine animals? If yes, then there is no need to worry about swimming because you can walk underwater and enjoy marine life. Guides accompany you in underwater tours, Pigeon island, Havelock island, and Grand island are the great destination where this walking can be enjoyed.   8) Scuba Diving Scuba diving can give you the excellent lifetime experience of marine life. You can see beautiful fishes octopus, sharks, and other marine animals; the beautiful view of underwater can give a different light to your eyes.   9) Windsurfing There are many water activities which people live to perform, but widely performed water sports is windsurfing. Goa is the most preferred place where this activity performed by numerous tourists and locals.   10) Jungle Safari It is a courageous thought to explore wildlife where you can see the natural habitat of your favorite animal. Gir forest in Gujarat, which is popular among other forests because of conserving the Asiatic lion, jeep safari is the only way to see lions there.  .   .   .   .   . Also, read: 4 Underrated Destinations in India every traveler should visit before they die Overall, you can say that the person who once visited India cannot forget the unique things about the nation which is versed and quite famous. Do let me know in the comments below about your experiences in India and hey, Happy Traveling 🙂


Top 7 Ways To Live A Stress Free Life

Life, off-late, has been all about adulting. And with adulting comes excessively stressing out. Life is difficult and everything that happens to us happens in superlative. Emotional stress, work stress, it can be chaotic. You think you find reprieve in meditation and you do that but a few days on and you feel it isn’t working out anymore. Insomnia follows. You stay awake all night looking at the ceiling, killing thoughts, counting sheep or stars but stress doesn’t go away. You go to a pub, think of getting a life but a ping from your boss about the “presentations tomorrow!” pulls off that smile from your face. The weekend doesn’t crawl. It speeds past you like a bullet train and you are left with the mundane. How then do you cope with stress? I have been going through emotional chaos so much that I stopped talking to my friends, cut off my social media and went into a shell. I then pinged a small group of friends, and one of my friends told me to “take help.” I have come out of clinical depression and I know how disturbing things can be. It was a hell hole and I didn’t wish to go back in that black hole. You find this article here because I have been able to get over the stress. How did I de-stress? Read on to know.   1) Talk The mistake I did was not to talk. I shut myself off and that’s not right. You need to vent your anger, your anxiety, your thoughts – good or bad, doesn’t matter. JUST SPEAK UP. Half of your stress in life is because your thoughts sit in there, in your head and mess up the wiring within.   2) Write Writing helps a lot. But what to write? These days people journal. You can check the videos online wherein there are exclusive channels about journaling. How to journal is simple. Write your thoughts in this notebook you keep. You may write two lines or an entire essay or may abuse your managers but do it! It helps. Also, read: This is how writing a journal made my life less stressful   3) Take up a hobby Take up a hobby. Any hobby. You may wanna check out a dashing car every weekend in a nearby mall or take painting lessons or go cycling or just fill in the adult coloring books. 10 minutes every day or 30 minutes every weekend, doesn’t matter, as long as you get to unwind.   4) Read I am a voracious reader and a book is my comfort food. [I go by the name @book_gobbler on Instagram, you may want to follow me for all the book recommendations 😉 ] Reading helps take your mind off the things around you. Immerse yourself in a fantasy world or a nail-biting thriller or spine chilling horror or general fiction – up to you!   5) Walk I hate rains because all my walk routine becomes kaput during monsoons. I am a better person when I am walking, I always say that. Walking is exercise, yes. But more than that it helps release mood-boosting endorphins. There are multiple other benefits of walking but let’s stick to this one for now. Watch: I walked to a bookstore and this happened!   6) Balasana If you can’t find 10 minutes from your busy schedule for walks, (this taunt is from me to me :P), then you ought to try Balasana. This is done by taking a child-like pose, that helps you relax and destress. Check this video out to get a clear picture:   7) Music The first thing that helps me heal is music. It is my first aid when I am stressing out. Contemporary Bollywood, Trance, Retro, it all depends on my mood but music heals faster, at least it puts the healing process in a gear one. Also, read: My 9 Favorite Lines from the movie Rockstar   Lastly, I would like to tell you all a simple fact – money, position, fame – and everything else you are running after in life is temporary and perishable. What’s permanent and important is how you treat yourself and those around you – that is here to stay. So while keeping yourself sane is important, it is also equally important to make sure that you don’t drown yourself in these luxuries so much that getting out is impossible. I hope these tips help to de-stress your life. Do let me know in DM on Instagram at @book_gobbler. Here is my website and twitter profile.


I Married a Sanyasi

I know you are here because you are intrigued by the headline of this blog post. But please be patient as I use my writing skills, some adjectives, some adverbs, and bring out an “alankarit” (ornamented) write-up for you. Every girl wants to date a bad boy and marry a good man and that’s exactly what happened to me. But this bad boy was, in fact, a good man. And I was to know about it only after I was married. Immediately after I was married, in fact! Well, my husband and then-boyfriend aren’t definitively bad, he would just turn roguish when necessary. What with his political ambitions and jazz, the word “radaa” or ruckus was something that he used often. Then there were those fights with dishonest rickshawalas and even I joined him when he fought against their loot. (But after the marriage that image sort started to wilt. He became a matured and responsible chap.?) But the day after my wedding my new family decided to break news to me which actually shocked me, surprised me and I am still reeling with the effect of that news! I was introduced to the family’s past via the photo albums and there I saw an image of a guy, dressed in saffron-colored pajama,  jhabba, and a pagdi. I couldn’t recognize this chubby boy. My family is a lot religious and we follow a spiritual Guru and so I presumed that this boy was a fellow disciple of our Guru. I WAS WRONG HE WAS MY HUSBAND! MY HUSBAND WAS ONCE A SPIRITUAL GURU! Wait, weren’t you expecting that? But, really, I wasn’t. It was a shock to me. I hadn’t a clue if I should laugh or cry or feel cheated because my boyfriend never once uttered a single word about this past. Understand now, don’t you? That even if you date a person for a year or more, you are not really going to be acquainted with every aspect of their life. And with that thought, I sort of quelled my thoughts, pulled myself together and gave a hesitant laugh. Furthering my scare were these words, “I was going to become a Sanyasi.” S.A.N.Y.A.S.I (That sort of came out in slow-mo or that’s how I remember it now ?) Wait, what? “Why did you….not…then?” “Umm….my inclination towards history and politics is so strong that our Guru seems to have got a whiff of it and he said that I shouldn’t take sanyas….” “Oh….” “Perhaps, he knew that I was to meet YOU!” Perhaps… Now that’s highly possible to have worldly instincts, you know? Enlightened people usually talk cryptically. And it’s up to us to solve those riddles they throw our way. And hence I didn’t think of it as odd at all. “So you would give pravachan in those clothes?” “Ummhmmm…every Saturday.” “Wow!” That didn’t really come out the way I wanted it to…but yeah it was more of a surprise, every Saturday! That’s when someone from my family chirped in (you see I was in a trance and don’t recall who asked this question next). “So, why did you fall for her?” I heard this question and his laughter followed. “I married her because she replied to one of the most toughest questions quite easily?” “What question?” I asked. “Don’t you remember?” “Nope….” I was quizzed about a question I was asked! ? “So, once I asked you, who are you?” “Yeah ….??” ? “To which you replied, they call me Siddhi but I am aatma.” I AM AATMA. Make that sentence bold, italics and underline it. And here I was thinking I was someone special… This Sanyasi married a soul who knew that she was just a soul. Get it?


My 9 Favorite Lines from the movie Rockstar

“Toote hue dil se hi sangeet nikalata hai, jab dil ki lagti hai, tukde tukde hote hai, tab aati hai jhankaar” Kuch yaad aaya? Rockstar! It’s one of my all-time favorite movies and if you’ll ask me about it, then I would say that this movie can be summed up into these lyrics alone: “Mann Ke Mere Ye Bharam Kachche Mere Ye Karam Leke Chale Hai Kahaan Main Toh Jaanoon Hi Na Tu Hai Mujh Mein Samaya, Kahaan Leke Mujhe Aaya Main Hoon Tujh Mein Samaya, Tere Peeche Chala Aaya Tera Hi Main Ek Saaya Tune Mujhko Banaya Main Toh Jag Ko Na Bhaya Tune Gale Se Lagaya Ab Tu Hi Hai Khudaya Sach Tu Hi Hai Khudaya” Okay, so here are my 9 Favorite Lines from the movie Rockstar:     I can hum the music while reading these lines.   This song trigger your thoughts but soothes your soul.   Though true!   Already missing my ex!   My all-time fav song.   This line ?   The most underrated song according to me!   A song that sums up everything. Jordan, us and Rockstar! .   .   .   .   . I can’t forget this album until I die. Such a great gem by A.R. Rahman, Irshad Kamil, Imtiaz Ali, and Mohit Chauhan is gonna stay with me for my whole life. Every playlist of mine is incomplete without this album. I just can’t tell how much I owe and love this album. Songs which I can’t mention like ‘The Dichotomy of Fame‘ still does something to me… it’s just ineffable. Anyways, those are the 9 best lines from the movie Rockstar, according to me. But hey, I know that I’ve missed a lot in here, so do let me know in the comments about what are your favorite lines and I’ll try adding it up here. Happy Listening 🙂


School vs. College

From one gate to another gate, Though I am still always late, Things changed, and the life too, To moments I had to bid adieu!! School vs. College What do you miss the most right now, like your favorite memory? That old school love? Those last bench pranks? That college bunk for a date? Or those late-night hostel parties? It’s so amazing how gradually changes occur, from a heavy school bag to few copies in hands, from those ribbon-tied hairs to fringes and layers, from that decent face to some grown unkempt beard. Too many changes!! Let’s take a look at the two most talked about phases of our life, SCHOOL VS COLLEGE.   1) Punctuality School: On-time always. Not even a minute late. Rather 20 min before the bell rang. I swear I have seen children crying out loud even if they got late by 10 min to school. College: “Me and punctual? Oh, Shut up!”, this was the reaction of most of my college mates when I questioned them about being punctual. Often I see, when the college starts at 9 am, one of my friends leaves the bed just 15 min prior to it. So, unfortunately never punctual. (Even happens with me at times! :-P) 2) Attendance School: A decent attendance of 90%, 80%, 75% for that matter. A medical certificate for 74%. Going to school even with a high fever. College: 75% of attendance… Ask those students who strive hard for the minimum attendance criteria so that they can give the papers. And on top of that what sucks is we get marked on the basis of our college attendance. Seems funny to me at times… ? 3) Exams School: Full syllabus done, revision done 2 times, just need to look a few formulae once, slept at 11 pm. College: Its 11 pm at night. Course- just started. Studying for half an hour and taking a nap of an hour. And then you get reminded of an old memory and when you get back on track you see the time, and it’s 1:00 am. 4) The Semblance! School: A clear distinction between boys and girls. Boys with short well-kept hair. Small beard. Girls with either plated hair or tied with ribbons. A decent look although. College: Sometimes it gets difficult even to differentiate the gender. Though personal it is, yet I would like to mention that there was a time when a close friend of mine(male to avoid any confusion) had longer front hairs than mine. And I was like, okay, not a big deal. And at times that unkempt beard. No one to judge here, but not that decent a look I guess. Girls with those flying hair, wonder if they don’t get irritated. No offense though. 5) The special occasions, BORN DAY!! School: A big party at home, distributing those sweets in school with the best friend. That was the day when people got to know that two people were best friends. College: Party-all-night…party-all-night.. On the birthday eve, two cakes on the table, one for the cake cutting, one for the face painting… ? Some hard birthday bombs, a few pictures and a lot of memories for a lifetime. 6) The most painful things  ? School: When the teacher is absent but the substitution teacher is one of your subject teachers and your extra P.T. period is canceled. ? College: When you return from a hectic morning to noon schedule and find the worst food of your life, the mess food. At times, it feels like the world is broken. (P.S.- I’m sure, every one of you who has had mess food, must have complained at least once in life to your parents about it. Well, I do it regularly without any break.) 7) Desires!!! School: Simple desires of having a phone, leave getting the number of your crush, even the sight is a delight. And some have the high desires to topping the school. College: A perfect body with abs, without even working hard for it. A college placement. High profile jobs. And the best better half. ? .   .   .   .   . This is how life changes from school to college and I hope you felt related to these 7 School vs College facts, the basic things though. How the desires and dreams change. How we change gradually. What changes did you find in yourself, do share in the comments section? Also, just like this school vs college (written by Pragya), you can share your ideas and your stories with us on Instagram or Facebook. We would love to feature it here with your name! Happy Reading 🙂


I can’t stop feeling nostalgic about the first time I went to Mumbai after reading this poem by Ayushmann

I don’t know if I should start this article with the times when I first came to Mumbai or how Ayushmann Khurrana isn’t just an actor but a Sufi poet in disguise. It’s been two years since I first came to Mumbai and much like everyone else, I was scared too. Scared of will I be able to get in this city of Dreams known as Bombay or Mumbai? Scared because of the way, Bollywood and people talk about it. Scared of the crowd. Scared of… what if I change? But let me just stop there! This isn’t about my struggle nor about how did I fit in, but it’s about how Ayushmann’s poem made me go through all of that 2-years-ago first-time Mumbai visit feels again. Kaali-Peeli, CST, Marine Drive pe walk, Mumbai ki baarish, Vada Pao aur kya kuch nahi! I flashbacked all of it. Let’s just dive into Khurrana’s poem and here it goes: Jab pehli dafaa aaya tha Mumbai tab bhi ho rahi thi baarish. Aaj bhi barkha bahaar hai. Yahaan ki bheed ki tarah sapne thhe aankhn mein hazaar, Aaj bhi umangein tez taraat hai. Maa baap ne nam aankhon se di thi mujhe parvaaz, Aaj bhi unki fikr barqaraar hai. Second class sleeper pe aaya tha is sheher mein doston ke saath, Aaj bhi usi safar ka khumaar hai. Uth kar gira, gir kar utha. Chala. Udaa. Aaj unhi thokaron ki khaatir mere haq mein rashtriya puraskaar hai.   Here is his original Instagram post:   View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Ayushmann Khurrana (@ayushmannk) on Aug 10, 2019 at 12:47am PDT Isn’t Khurrana is just wow? Like first Andhadhun, then Badhaai ho and then tons of poems by him that have been getting viral on social media for a really long time. Tell me about you in the comments below. Have you ever been to Mumbai? and if yes, then did you find the poem relatable and nostalgic?

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