Book Review Of Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince By J K Rowling
Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince
This Slytherin House Edition of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince celebrates the noble character of the Hogwarts house famed for its pride, ambition and cunning. Harry’s sixth year at Hogwarts is packed with more great Slytherin moments and characters – not least Professor Slughorn’s return to Hogwarts and the unveiling of Tom Riddle’s past. Each Slytherin House Edition features vibrant sprayed edges and intricate silver foiling. The stunning cover design has a cameo-style portrait of the Half-Blood Prince as the central icon, framed by beautiful house-themed iconography. In addition to a bespoke introduction, the Slytherin Edition also contains new illustrations by Kate Greenaway Medal winner Levi Pinfold, including a portrait of proud Slytherin student Draco Malfoy, and a thrilling image of a young Severus Snape studying Advanced Potion-Making to accompany a feature on magical books. All seven books in the series will be issued in these highly collectable, beautifully crafted House Editions, designed to be treasured and read for years to come. A must-have for anyone who has ever imagined sitting under the Sorting Hat in the Great Hall at Hogwarts waiting to hear the words, ‘Better be SLYTHERIN!’
“It is the unknown we fear when we look upon death and darkness, nothing more.”
This line which jumped at me whilst I was delving into this next in the Harry Potter series by J K Rowling speaks volumes about what kind of levels Rowling has transcended her writing to with this one.
Furthering the journey of Dumbledore’s imparting vital knowledge to Harry about Voldemort’s past, this book which is the sixth in the series, for me at least is surely suggestive of a graduating to another level of sorts. When I say graduating I mean not only in terms of it becoming more darker, complex and sinister for a children’s series, Rowling creates a mesh of interwoven elements that are all connected as well as detached and sole of each other at the same time. For instance, this one which gives us a foray into Voldemort’s past life also gives us a heads up on the current happenings in Hogwarts and in the lives of Harry and his friends Ron and Hermione.
What for me was a set apart was the fact that Dumbledore – the greatest wizard of all times actually ventured to enlist Harry’s help on every turn and scenario in the book. Be it convincing Horace Slughorn to resume teaching at Hogwarts, extracting vital information in the form of memories from him or even accompanying him on dangerous expeditions, Dumbledore shows an uncanny faith in Harry, a true symbol of him counting on Harry being “his man through and through.”
Albeit I also strongly felt that it was not only sinister as there was an element of fun and excitement too, thanks to the fact that Harry gets in the possession of the tattered copy of the Potions book, which holds tricks and hacks worthy enough to make him popular in the eyes of his Potions master Slughorn. Slughorn, you will be like, really how come? And what about Snape? Not to forget the fact that Snape has taken over the defence against the dark arts (Pssst, I am glad coz he won’t last long for sure, that job’s jinxed remember?) makes life at Hogwarts only akin to a maze of endurance.
As fascinating and creepy are the flashbacks, equally daunting is the fact that Dumbledore seems largely unconcerned over Harry’s fears and qualms towards Snape and Malfoy and is more interested in delving deeper into Voldemort’s past. What is Dumbledore trying to do, whether he is preparing Harry for some kind of a future, possible catastrophe, equipping him with weapons being imparted to him coyly yet surely and stealthily, only time will tell?
Then there is Malfoy who is hell-bent on something foul for sue. His movements, at least as Harry perceives them are surely part of some dark, diabolical scheme which can only be understood, once he makes some kind of a concrete move, coming out in the open and acting rather than skulking around in corners, greyer and more mysterious than ever. Has he turned into a Death Eater? Again, read the book to find out more.
All in all, I’d say, this is one title I surely resonated with more than others. That is because on a deeper level this one has portrayed Harry for one in a more matured stance towards the end, especially calmer on an overall level psychologically and otherwise. The manner in which this one culminates is sure to shock you (ah, no spoilers, ahem!). However, you know as they say “What happens always happens for a reason and all for your own good.”. So, thus, herein forth, shall begin the next tun in the series depicting the journey of one of our most beloved, cherished modern-day heroes who must embark upon the next with nothing but faith, hope, love, and courage as his true weapons against the most barbaric, evil and gruesome nemesis time has ever shown us.
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I especially want to add a note here in support of Rowling’s writing. You might have come across a lot of reviews saying that this one is dark, not meant the way it should have proceeded and so on. But guys, it is only fair to say that all light and airy, all hunky-dory, if that is what you seek, then my friend you do not seek life you seek a myth. Meaning if it turns dark, remember there is going to be a strong beacon of light at the end of the tunnel. It gets worse before it gets better, yeah?

So hope you guys liked my take and review on Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, one of the best possible titles in the series for me. Do let us know in the comments below if there are any particular titles you would wish us to read and review. Keep tuning in to Booxoul daily for the best and the most trending in the field of entertainment, travel, food, leisure, tech and gadgets and all things bookish.
Ciao peeps!
Content Writer, Poet, Fiction Writer and a bundle of mystique, Rekha Bhagtani is a person who believes that writing is a true escapade one can get from this ruthless, mortal world. Not only is writing and reading therapeutic but also a complete life-altering experience for her, one she longs to revel and dive in every day, far from the clandestine of today, into the unknown, unexplored realms of something new every time.
Coming soon with her second book, a fiction where time travel meets romance in a fun manner, thanks to mythology. Confused? Keep watching this space…
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