Dogged Pursuit | Raghavan Srinivasan | Book Review

Dogged Pursuit | Raghavan Srinivasan | Book Review

A bio-historical fiction set in the heart of Madras in the 1920s, Dogged Pursuit by Raghavan Srinivasan is a scintillating blend of emotion, fiction and history, having been compiled after an assimilation of carefully researched facts as well as crafting a fictional tale which is sure to appeal to all

The Beauty and Tragedy of The Picture Bride: A Book Review

The Beauty and Tragedy of The Picture Bride: A Book Review

My first ever Korean fiction, and oh boy, what an experience it was to read it! An absolutely moving and spellbinding family drama about a Korean bride who travels to marry a man who is not looking for a wife but something else. A plethora capturing the complete 20th-century Korean American immigrant experience, The picture bride by Lee Geum Yi is perfect for those who have enjoyed “Pachinko” or “Peach blossom”.

Porus: In the Shadow of Betrayals by Roopesh Tiwari | Book Review

Porus: In the Shadow of Betrayals by Roopesh Tiwari | Book Review

What if I tell you that the great Alexander has turned dark and wants destruction to be ‘normal’ in his overpowering regime? Have you heard of the great Porus and the stories surrounding him in history? If not, then read this review of Porus: In the Shadow of Betrayals by Roopesh Tiwari

Padma | Mala Mahesh | Book Review

Padma _ Mala Mahesh _ Book Review

What happens when the gentler sex decides to fight patriarchal forces, challenging the pr- set nationalities of the societal attitude? Catastrophe. No, seriously. But, for the woman who does so. Don’t believe me. Read my Book review of Padma by Mala Mahesh to discover one such instance.

The Story of Meera and Jaimal | Book Review

Book review of The Flute and the Sword - The Story of Meera and Jaimal and the Rise and Fall of Merta by Karuna Sinh, Randhir Sinh

The Flute and the Sword: The Story of Meera and Jaimal and the Rise and Fall of Merta by Karuna  Sinh, Randhir Sinh Meera (Mirabai) has been an important part of me growing up. My siblings and I have always woken up listening to her songs. Songs that were the love and devotion of Meera to Lord Krishna. Since then, I’ve been taken to her serene and beautiful aura. So yeah, reading this book ’The Flute and the Sword by Karuna Sinh, Randhir Sinh, was the most exciting and learning experience, I had.  About a few days back, I finished reading this delight of a book with all the satisfaction a reader has when reading such a gem. Every turn of page took me closer to the culture I share with Meera and Jaimal; Each chapter was a  revelation that brought smile and tears equally. It was told so beautifully that all came alive before my mind: the characters, places and everything in between them. It is a truly remarkably narrated story. Reading The Flute and the Sword: The Story of Meera and Jaimal and the Rise and Fall of Merta,  felt to me like lapping waves of emotions, I was neck deep submerged, in Meera’s devotion for Lord Krishna and Jaimal’s constant struggle to save his kingdom. This book beautifully captured the nuances of emotions like nothing else in recent time, through pain, heartbreak, death and love. This was legit one of the most moving, riveting, eye opening saga that I read in recent times.  Written in a very simplistic language, the story of Meera and Jaimal is fictionized for the entertainment value, it has the backing of facts and research that has made the book quite an eye-opener.  This engrossing high paced book is sure to sweep you off your feet. I highly, highly recommend this book  to all the fiction and non fiction fans of history, and who’d like to know more about the history of Merta.