
Samsara by Saksham Garg - A Ya Fantasy Fiction or a Foray Into the No Man’s Land of Writing AKA Religion? A Book Review
Book Reviews, Fantasy, Fiction

Samsara by Saksham Garg – A Ya Fantasy Fiction or a Foray Into the No Man’s Land of Writing AKA Religion? A Book Review

Samsara by Saksham Garg, a YA fantasy fiction riding high on sensationalism or the start of a tale off the point? The book which is a brilliant world build up and plot yet somehow falls a bit flat, not being able to give that complete, immersive reading experience courtesy a compromised, somewhat imbalanced equilibrium in the narrative.

Love in Europe - Burgundy Winters: In Europe by Pranay Patil, Pete Heyes and Nicola Peake
Romance, Book Reviews, Fiction, Thriller and Mystery

Love in Europe – Burgundy Winters: In Europe by Pranay Patil, Pete Heyes and Nicola Peake

Want to go on an exploratory tour of Europe, to the best possible destinations, to the loveliest of places? Wait, there’s more! How about a tour guide who gives you the most candid details too? And not to forget a love story which has all the possible elements you could possibly imagine in a story. Yes, there is love, hatred, forgiveness, abuse as well as picturesqueness all rolled together in Burgundy Winters: In Europe by Pranay Patil, Pete Heyes and Nicola Peake.