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She Stood by Me by Tarun Vikash - Book review
Book Reviews

She Stood By Me | Book Review

She Stood by Me by Tarun Vikash Love is not a relationship Most of us have experienced first love, first heartbreak, that we occasionally remember, and this novel She Stood by Me by Tarun Vikash, is a reminder of those memories. Like the subtitle implies love is much more than a friendship. This romantic fiction is about a love story that begins in teenage years and grows with the age of protagonist. Aparna and Abhi who starts their relationship as friends with a one-sided crush, and then their friendship is transformed in time into a lovely story of love. Their friends Manish and Nidhi also have their own love story, and they are an integral part of the life of Aparna and Abhi. Abhi who comes from a lower — middle — class family, he has responsibilities waiting for him in the future, he is career-oriented, but he believes in romance and first love concept. On the other side, Aparna comes from an upper — middle — class family with an urge to prove the world about her existence. She is career-oriented but somehow she doesn’t believe in love, in a better way to say that she doesn’t have time for love. This Love story ought to be difficult as one person is madly in love and another person is aloof with love as a feeling and living in denial. Their love story has many obstacles like studying in different cities, job pressure, and then family drama. In small cities Love and then Love marriage is still considered as a taboo. Most of us have experienced first love, first heartbreak, that we occasionally remember, and this novel She Stood by Me by Tarun Vikash, is a reminder of those memories. Like the subtitle implies love is much more than a friendship. This romantic fiction is about a love story that begins in teenage years and grows with the age of the protagonist.⁣⁣Author Tarun has very aptly defined the feelings of love, responsibility towards the family that are so contrasting to each other. Though this book She Stood by Me is his debut novel, he did quite a remarkable job with the characters and the story.⁣⁣Every character in this book has been nicely thought of and then put on paper. The character I most connected to was Manish, as he reminded me of Bollywood movies that had one best friend who made fun of the Hero, pulled his leg, but then he also stood with him in every thick and thin of the situation.⁣⁣Unfortunately, my problem was that most of the novel was like reading Abhi’s private unrealistically goody – goody diary with individual dialects and dialogues, which became quite uncomfortable instead of smooth flowing reading, which I am used to. Somehow the story seemed little stretched with too much detailing of unwarranted information which could have been omitted.⁣⁣I would like to rate this YA romantic fiction novel 3.7 out 5. It is one time read that is quite entertaining in its own way. This book will remind you about your first crush, first love and your life before 25 hit you.⁣


Top 7 Ways To Live A Stress Free Life

Life, off-late, has been all about adulting. And with adulting comes excessively stressing out. Life is difficult and everything that happens to us happens in superlative. Emotional stress, work stress, it can be chaotic. You think you find reprieve in meditation and you do that but a few days on and you feel it isn’t working out anymore. Insomnia follows. You stay awake all night looking at the ceiling, killing thoughts, counting sheep or stars but stress doesn’t go away. You go to a pub, think of getting a life but a ping from your boss about the “presentations tomorrow!” pulls off that smile from your face. The weekend doesn’t crawl. It speeds past you like a bullet train and you are left with the mundane. How then do you cope with stress? I have been going through emotional chaos so much that I stopped talking to my friends, cut off my social media and went into a shell. I then pinged a small group of friends, and one of my friends told me to “take help.” I have come out of clinical depression and I know how disturbing things can be. It was a hell hole and I didn’t wish to go back in that black hole. You find this article here because I have been able to get over the stress. How did I de-stress? Read on to know.   1) Talk The mistake I did was not to talk. I shut myself off and that’s not right. You need to vent your anger, your anxiety, your thoughts – good or bad, doesn’t matter. JUST SPEAK UP. Half of your stress in life is because your thoughts sit in there, in your head and mess up the wiring within.   2) Write Writing helps a lot. But what to write? These days people journal. You can check the videos online wherein there are exclusive channels about journaling. How to journal is simple. Write your thoughts in this notebook you keep. You may write two lines or an entire essay or may abuse your managers but do it! It helps. Also, read: This is how writing a journal made my life less stressful   3) Take up a hobby Take up a hobby. Any hobby. You may wanna check out a dashing car every weekend in a nearby mall or take painting lessons or go cycling or just fill in the adult coloring books. 10 minutes every day or 30 minutes every weekend, doesn’t matter, as long as you get to unwind.   4) Read I am a voracious reader and a book is my comfort food. [I go by the name @book_gobbler on Instagram, you may want to follow me for all the book recommendations 😉 ] Reading helps take your mind off the things around you. Immerse yourself in a fantasy world or a nail-biting thriller or spine chilling horror or general fiction – up to you!   5) Walk I hate rains because all my walk routine becomes kaput during monsoons. I am a better person when I am walking, I always say that. Walking is exercise, yes. But more than that it helps release mood-boosting endorphins. There are multiple other benefits of walking but let’s stick to this one for now. Watch: I walked to a bookstore and this happened!   6) Balasana If you can’t find 10 minutes from your busy schedule for walks, (this taunt is from me to me :P), then you ought to try Balasana. This is done by taking a child-like pose, that helps you relax and destress. Check this video out to get a clear picture:   7) Music The first thing that helps me heal is music. It is my first aid when I am stressing out. Contemporary Bollywood, Trance, Retro, it all depends on my mood but music heals faster, at least it puts the healing process in a gear one. Also, read: My 9 Favorite Lines from the movie Rockstar   Lastly, I would like to tell you all a simple fact – money, position, fame – and everything else you are running after in life is temporary and perishable. What’s permanent and important is how you treat yourself and those around you – that is here to stay. So while keeping yourself sane is important, it is also equally important to make sure that you don’t drown yourself in these luxuries so much that getting out is impossible. I hope these tips help to de-stress your life. Do let me know in DM on Instagram at @book_gobbler. Here is my website and twitter profile.

Book Reviews

Feni Daze By Mathew Vincent Menacherry

Publication: Vanguard Press Page Count: 346 Review Set in Goa, ‘Feni Daze‘ by Mathew Vincent Menacherry is a story of an ex-soldier Victor Gabriel, an aspiring writer meets up with his former girlfriend, the gorgeous and rich Ana at the latter’s behest in a final bid to reconnect. What follows is about their brief stay in Goa complete with a constant Feni guzzling Victor who seems to have a knack of rubbing off people the wrong way or maybe he just can’t get over the whole macho soldier persona. There’s a constant back and forth between the past and present as Mathew pieces together the complex character and justifies the behavior of his main protagonist. Plenty of intricate situations and characters add layers and layers to the whole back story. Do I recommend it? ‘Feni Daze‘ is a decent book that reads like a Hindi masala film with our Hero-the drunk with a golden heart, beating up the baddies as he goes about rescuing damsels in distress. Add to that his totally smitten, poor little rich girl, Heroine who ensures Daddy dearest takes care of any real messes that our Hero might get into. All in all, not bad and the title clearly says it all.      Rating I have rated it 3/5 stars. .   .   .   .   . If you loved this review of Mathew Vincent Menacherry’s ‘Feni Daze’, then get your copy of it on Amazon by clicking here and if you want us to review or recommend a specific book, then do let us know in the comments below or DM us on Instagram at @booxoul.